Chapter 3: Dorm-room

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After a few classes, I went to the cafeteria.  I always pack my own lunch. I found an empty table to sit at. " Can I sit here?" I turn to see who it is. Scar is standing there with his hands in his pockets. " Sure, why not."  He sat down right next to me, on my left. I could see his face is a bright shade of pink. I wonder why. " I see you already met Scar" I turned around, Faith was there with that smirk face.  " What do you want pussy" I turned my head to see scar, throwing death glares at Faith, " What I do doesn't concern you...mut" 

" Why don't you say that to my face" Faith sat down on the right of me. " Sorry I forgot your deaf" 

" Shut up" 

"  Forgive me but I didn't come to talk to the wet dog" He turned his attention to me. My face turned bright red. " You have such a cute face" He rubbed his thumb against my check. " Will you allow me to be you guardian?" 

" U-umm Sur-" 

" Don't you put your hands on her" Scar interrupted " I am already guarding Her" Faith looked at him than me than him then me. "O-" 

" Listen" I started, all their attention turned to me " If you both really want to 'protect' me, then do it together!" I blushed. They both look at each other then me. Faith spoke first " If it pleases you then I shall work with the mut" Scar shoot him a glare " Fine" 

" Great" 'RRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNGGGGGGGGGG' " The lunch period is over, would one of you walk me to my locker?"  

" Of course" They both said in union, Shooting   glares at each other. " Hahahahahah, you guys are soooo cute" I tried to say to myself, but they heard me and blushed. We started to walk through  the lunch room doors, Scar on my right and Faith on my left. We made it to my locker and Leo was there  leaning against it.

" Hey Jadien" He got off the locker " Are you ready to surrender" I looked to the ground. I couldn't look at his face. I could feel my eyes getting watery. "Leo" I coughed out the words. Scar stepped in-front of me. " Who are you, And back away from Jadein's locker" 

" I unlike you know jadien and she knows me I'm a friend" Scar turned to me " Is that true?" 

" Y-yes bu-" 

"See" Leo came around on my right and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.  I could feel tears rolling down my check. I moved his arm off me and ran. I ran so fast and far until I found myself in that dark locker place. I went to a corner, hugged my knees and started crying. It makes me so mad when he talks like nothing happened.  I could feel a figure sit next to me. " Jadien are you okay?"  He pulled me into his lap so that my face is facing his. I could feel my face heat up. The position we are in, is not a ' Are you okay friend' position, it's more like a ' Lets make out' position.  "S-Scar" I muffled in his chest, he rested his chin on my head and rubbed my back. " It's going to be okay...please don't cry." He pulled my head up to look me in the eye. " I don't know why your crying......but please stop I hate seeing you like this... it hurts." I look deep into his eyes, something isn't right with them......But what?  I hardly noticed that our noses are touching , those butterfly's in my stomach came back. We almost kissed until " The hell is going on!"  Both of us jumped, " You  were about to kiss her, weren't you Scar? You know you can't do that." Faith said in the calmest voice I've ever heard. " I wasn't, there  was something on her noise is all." He protest, I snorted at his lame excuse.   Just then my phone vibrated. I pull it out of my pocket,  It's a text from Cara. 

Cara: Hey Jadien, what's up? did you check out your dorm room yet?

Me: No not yet,  I'm heading their now. 

We leave the school building, " My room is in the second building so i'll see you guys later" I wave goodbye to them then head into the dorms. I finally get to my room, I unlock it and walk in. " I was wondering when you would arrive" Leo says, getting up from off his bed.  " Y-your m-my r-rroomm-mate?" I stutter, I'm in utter shock.  He walked over to me and hugged me tight, " We will have so much fun for 3-4 whole years. Aren't you excited?"

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