Chapter 32- The Phone Call

Start from the beginning

Jackson huffs with disappointment, "This is why you don't have a boyfriend. Also how many times do I have to tell you that you can just call me Jack."

"First off, I don't want to have a boyfriend who wants to have sex constantly and secondly, I can call you whatever I want," I smile at him innocently.

Jackson groans, "Honestly you're such a cock block."

I glare at him, "Shut up." Jackson just laughs at my reply while I continue to glare at him. "You done yet?"

Finally, his laughter dies down, "Yup."

The bell finally rings and I swing my backpack over my shoulder and start to walk away, "Hey you aren't even going to wait for me?" I hear Jackson yell.

I turn around but continue to walk but backwards, "Nope. See ya whenever."

I walk around the school to the parking lot and I reach my car pretty quickly. I unlock my car and throw my bag in the passenger seat. I get in then I buckle myself in and drive away from the hell hole. I arrive to my house pretty fast because I did exceed the speed limit quite a few times.

I get out of my car unbuckling myself while turning it off. Then I quickly grab my school bag from the passenger side and lock it. I walk to my front door and unlock it. Right away I go to my couch and I fall onto it enjoying its comfort. Such an amazing couch might I add.

My phone starts to go off and I look at it to see it's Bo calling. I groan then pick it up.

"Hello?" I say sitting up on the couch like a normal person.

"Hey Ben long time no see," Bo says bashfully.

I roll my eyes, "Well we aren't exactly seeing each other now are we. We are just talking on the phone Bo."

"Ha ha ha. You're very funny," Bo says sarcastically. "How have you been since we last actually talked."

I groan, "Do you want honesty or just the I'm fine card."

I can just see the 'are you serious' look on Bo's face, "You know the answer to the question."

"I've been better," I sigh looking around my house not looking at anything in particular.

"I have a question for you," Bo ignores my answer.

I squint my eyes suspiciously, "What...?"

"I might be able to convince Mason to let me drive to your house but I just need permission," Bo says happily.

"Bo you can't do that," I say worried.

"Why not," he asks confused.

I huff a little annoyed, "Because for all I know Mason could have people follow you to my house. I don't want you having to leave the gang because of me."

Bo groans obviously annoyed, "Come on, please."

"No," I say sternly.

"You're no fun," Bo says like a baby.

I roll my eyes amused, "I'm hanging up now. I'll see you in two days."

"Nooooooo," Bo complains like a baby again.

I laugh, "Bye Bo."

I hang up the phone before he convinces me to do something we both will regret. Then I get up and make my my to the kitchen to get some actual food.

I end up making a sandwich with some chips to have with it. I set it on my empty table and look at the wall across from my chair blankly with no emotion. I sit like that for awhile and eat until I hear the doorbell ring.

I groan annoyed, get up and make my way to the door.

I open the door to reveal a smiling Bo, "Hey Doll have ya missed me."

I just look at Bo with disbelief written across my whole face, "What the actual fuck are you doing here?!"


Kind of a cliff hanger. OooOoOOooOoO!

I know I'm sooo funny.

Anyway first of all I want to say sorry for not posting yesterday. I had to stay after school to finish my page for yearbook (yes I am participating in a class where we make our school yearbook and yes it is fun and yes I think I finished my page on time because it was due today). Then I got home and fell asleep then woke up and then fell asleep again then I proceeded to wake up again and stayed awake for about an hour and a half but fell back to sleep. Yes my day was very eventful yesterday. I had a total of about either 13-14 hours of sleep last night and I'm going insane.

Secondly thank you for 2.6k reads. It is seriously so weird to see my book grow so much but I'm so thankful for y'all. I'm going to cut myself off there so I don't talk for five more paragraphs...

Also, thank you to @bailey567 @lilgirl10577 @ahfhbgfccvxnnz (y'all names are getting more complicated the more I go on Jesus) @Meme922 @ampatrick and @Aloys_Horizon for reading my book! Y'all are amazing and you deserve the shout out. Love y'all. If you want to be shouted out in the next chapter then add this book to your public library. I try to shout out as many people as possible so I'm sorry if I ever miss your name in the sea of notifications I get.

I hope to see y'all next chapter! Bye byeeeeeeee!


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