"Why did he throw you in the pool?" Siva asked, trying to hold in his laughter.

"I was teasing Nathan and he took it a little too seriously."

I heard the water slosh around as Nathan climbed out of the pool. I felt his arms wrap around me from behind.

"I thought you were crying love." he whispered into my ear.

"Just so I could throw you in the pool."

I felt Nathan's arms wrap around me tighter, and his breath blowing down my neck. I shivered slightly. He knew what he was doing to me, but I tried not to let it show. I pulled out of his grasp and followed Siva, back into the house.

I immediately went to my room to change since Sykes ruined my outfit. I quickly showered and put on black skinny jeans, green converse, and a green plaid shirt. I went to Max's room and knocked on the door. I heard Max say 'come in', so I slowly opened the door and walked inside.

Max was laying down while JoJo was laying down next to him with her head on his chest while he played with her hair.

"May I talk to JoJo alone?" I asked Max.

Max kissed JoJo on the forehead before climbing out of the bed and walking past me. I walked over to the bed and sat down next to JoJo.

"You're here to talk about last night, aren't you?" she asked quietly.

I nodded. "Did you...

JoJo laughed quietly, "Yes. But it hurt like a bitch."

"Ya. That tends to happen," I said laughing with her.

JoJo quieted, "So what about you and Nath?"

I shook my head, "No. We have to wait three more days, doctor's orders. And he's such a pain in the ass. He keeps trying, knowing the answer will be 'no' until Monday."

"Hormonal boys," JoJo said laughing again.

"There's also another reason why I came in here." I said.

"Why's that?"

"Well, Nathan threw me in the pool because I was teasing him, and I want to get revenge."

"How?" JoJo asked as an evil grin grew on her face.

"Well, we have sleeping pills here, so we can give some to everyone, then while they sleep it off, we cover them with food and stuff."

"Everyone?" JoJo asked.

"Everyone." I confirmed.

JoJo grabbed my hand and yanked me out of the bed, "Let's go then!"

I ran after her to the kitchen. She filled seven glasses with water while I got out fourteen pills. I crushed them up and put them in each glass of water. We ran out to the living room, handing everyone a glass. They gave us weird looks, but drank it.

"Why did you give us water?" Tom asked, finishing the rest of it.

"We thought it would be nice. Just being friendly," JoJo chirped.

Everyone finished their water and set the glasses down. I let out a small giggle as JoJo and I rushed to the kitchen to gather our supplies. I grabbed caramel sauce, ketchup, mustard, peanut butter, fish paste, and marshmallow creme. JoJo had chocolate sauce, flour, frosting, pens, jelly, and pudding.

I peeked my head into the living room to see everyone passed out. I walked over to JoJo and gave her the thumbs up. She smirked before grabbing some stuff and running out there. I grabbed the rest and followed her.

An Amazing Birthday! Nathan Sykes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now