4: Judo is just one of the many arts

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Camila took a deep breath and centered her features. All of a sudden all the creases and worry lines that usually marred her gorgeous features were gone and in its stead was the darkly handsome face of an untroubled youth.
She looked the part too in a loose pink shirt tucked into belted tight blue jeans and a pair of scuffed brown boots that had seen better days.
She liked those adjectives. Those adjectives meant she wasn't being noticed. They meant the security guard at the desk was spending a lot more time checking out her legs instead of noting the unscanned bagpack she had just braught into his lobby. The lobby of one of the most secure private security firms on the planet.

You needed help escorting precious cargo across unsavoury borders?

Safe guarding corporate secrets?

Raising a small army for politically unalligned campaigns?

Scribble a scary number of zeroes on your cheque book and luthor corp securities were your guys. Everyone in DC and Langley knew these guys and knew enough not to get in their way unless absolutely necessary.

Even if she didn't, the earful she'd gotten from Normani last night after she'd let her in on her plan was enough to fill a docier on the place.

Secure enough to keep a nuke. They kept their operation bases as tightly run as black sites. And as well trained as Camila considered herself to be, she knew a suicide mission when she saw one.

So came plan B

Black sites are nice but the type of people who kept businesses like these running with their oh so generous donations didn't enjoy flying in circles for hours in heavy duty helos with masks over their heads and then being dropped in sand boxes in the middle of nowhere.

No, for the cream of the crop and LCSs preferred clients, there were high rise buildings in Tribeca with partially guarded entrances and leering desk guys. Places with more suits than guns and the perfect place for Camila to break into. She gave her best lost girl look to the crew cut Seal wannabe and asked for directions to the bathroom.
He smiled at her, put at ease by her stature, pulchritude.... Her gender. He pointed vaguely down a hallway and winked at her. She forced every atom in her body to behave bashfully and dropped her head as she shuffled seemingly embarrassed in the direction he had pointed.

Now just because this wasn't a black site didn't mean this place wasn't protected. A company with LCSs reputation didn't make a name for themselves by just placing a cask of their clients information at random unsecured buildings waiting for the first mercenary with a big head and a loaded mac 10 to bust through. From a professional standpoint, this was one of the most secure facilities in the city.
That was of no consequence
In Camilas book it came down to two things.
- the more floors a building has, the less secure it is; it didn't matter how many government agencies or storm troopers were guarding it

- once Camila Cabello had successfully crossed the entrance of a place and you hadn't put a bullet in her head two seconds after, the place was as good as hers.

The hallway the security guard had directed her down was basically the front of the organization if you could call it that. Lackeys that had never seen the inside of a military base in their lives with Ivy League certificates on their wall and titles like 'human resource manager' emblazoned on their doors. The only semblance of actual security measures down here were the two clearly armed guards at the very end of the hall guarding what she assumed was the server room for this floor ; another security measure she had to give them credit for.

Thankfully that was not her target. She scanned the doors quickly and let out an imperceptible sigh of relief finding what she was looking for
Michael Monel
Assistant Resource Manager
She pushed the door open shocking a half dressed Michael and what she assumed must be 'his 'work mistress' since his file had shown he was married and also cheating on his wife. But the eve tessmacher in the file had been blonde and taller. The woman he was shamelessly making out with across his desk was definitely not Imra Ardeen Monel or Eve.

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