"Thank you so much Pj. I haven't actually talked to another human being in a while. Especially an interesting one, but that could just be because you know about Link and kept me in a conversation." Laughing, "Well I was never interested in much conversation either. You know you kind of remind me of my friend Dan. Oh wait I never got your name." I wonder who Dan is? "I'm Iris!" Pointing at my sweater he just smiled at me before pulling out his phone. "May I get your number? You don't come across a girl like you." Pulling out my phone we exchanged numbers and in my phone his name was KickThePj. I wonder what that's about... I'll ask him another day. My name in his phone was Iris :).

Finishing my drink and muffin I rolled my eyes to myself remembering what I had to do later. Getting up we hugged like old friends before I walked out he frowned slightly, "Will I ever see you again?" Sounding concerned I smiled at him brightly. "Of course I think this is my favorite spot in London. See you later Pj."

Walking out in the London air I put my headphones back in and looked for an Ikea. It was a long way so I began running around like a tourist until I found a train, which consisted of asking a bunch of random people. Eventually going through the long lines of strangers I got on my first train and sat down as it took me to the center of London. Only took about 30 minutes but it didn't bother me none, since I actually got to sit instead of having to stand up. Finally after searching, more like my phone taking me the wrong direction, I found an Ikea and went inside looking for some things to put in my house.

Finally getting settled inside the huge shop I mostly saw newlywed couples, and best friends. I was completely alone and it was quite awkward. Grabbing a cart and moving passed by all the loving couples it made me realize how lonely I truly am. Just have one friend and I met him today. Sighing I just wanted to get some things as fast as I can and get out of here. No offense but all the couples in one place was slightly freaking me out. Obviously I couldn't get furniture yet since I walked here, I just planned on getting a few things like plates and silverware.

Turning down a couple of isles I finally found the silverware. Looking for the perfect set I looked in Ikea for about 2 hours until my cart had the things I needed, including those curtains. Happy with myself I started to walk toward a cashier when a person bumped into my cart.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." The man mumbled. Luckily none of my things had broke. "Is everything okay?" Looking up at me I checked again just in case and nodded. He had a black fringe and blue eyes with the most innocent face I have ever seen in my life. "I'm Phil. Did you need any help mam?" Standing there awkwardly staring at me playing with his pockets it was quite adorable. "Well I'm new and don't exactly know where everything in this store is. But I was just leaving, can you show me where the cashier people are?" Gladly he grabbed my cart from me and rolled me to the front.

Now in line together he started to ask me questions as we waited for the people in front of us to be done. "So what's your name?" Looking at the ground instead of at me I giggled. "It's Iris." Sticking out his hand I shook it jokingly. "Well where did you move from?" "Los Angeles." Surprised his eyes widened a little bit before moving the cart up slightly again. "Have you got a car to put all this stuff in?" Shaking my head he gave me an 'Oh' look. "I can give you a ride home if you want." I just met this guy and he wants to give me a ride home? He could be a creeper! Noticing my 'what the fuck' face he started apologizing immediately causing me to giggle. "Calm down Phil thank you but I can get a cab home."

At the front of the line now I started to put all of my things to the cashier. "Well if you won't let me take you home maybe I can get your number? Not like bad or anything but I always need a new friend." Smiling I nodded giving him my number. After that the cashier told me how much I needed to pay while glaring at me, like why the hell is she glaring at me? About to pay for my things Phil grabbed out his money and paid for me before I could refuse. Running off he left me alone with my now paid goods and I walked out the store with my cart trying to grab down a taxi.

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