Fathers & Contracts

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"Laito," Mia turned to look at the green eyed vampire, her breath in her throat.

Laito's eyes widened slightly when they took her in before he smiled; a hollow, cold movement, "Mia, who was that man? I can no longer deny that I am not aware that you are playing with us."


"Why Mia, why do this?"

Mia swallowed tensely, "Laito, let me explain all this after dinner, when all of us are gathered together." Mia spoke. "You have the wrong idea."

Laito sneered as he stepped forward and his hand rose towards her neck before pausing, he clenched his hands into fists and stepped back.

"I can also not deny it anymore that I want to take you as mine." Laito smiled ruefully, "It sounds like your 'mission' is successful."

He teleported away and Mia growled, covering her eyes with her hand as her lips trembled, and she could be heard muttering, "Not like this, not this way."


The door opened and seven pairs of eyes were fixed on the female that walked through the door, her head held high as she looked every bit regal as demons are supposed to look like.

Reiji stood up to escort her before Shu beat him to it, smirking, "I am the oldest, come sit by me, Mia." He drawled, blue eyes glittering as they took in the beautiful female.

Mia simply walked over to the chair and settled on it, her face impassive.

Kanato was the first to giggle and break the silence, "You make the dress look great, big sister, teddy agrees as well!"

Mia's lips parted before she smiled; the action so genuine and pure that it managed to take away everyone's breath, "Thank you, Kana-chan."

Reiji cleared his throat as Mia's attention shifted to him, "You look simply divine, Ms Nakamura."

Abe. My name is Mia Abe.

Mia nodded anyways, her lips curving up at the edge, "I can say the same about you, Mr Sakamaki." Reiji nodded as he looked at her fondly.

Ayato was the one to break the little moment as he shouted, "Oi, I think you look delicious too!"

Mia raised a brow and Ayato grumbled before speaking, "You look beautiful." Mia smiled in appreciation, "Thank you, Ayato."

"Let's start with the feast." Reiji picked up his cutlery delicately and started first, the rest following. Shu who was on her right did not eat except taking occasional sips from his glass which was presumably filled with blood rather than wine, Mia was similar as she instead chose to observe the rest and sort out her conflicting thoughts.

She stiffened as she felt Shu's hand on her thigh and sent him a cutting glance as the soft touch trailed up but instead of acting like a pervert he took her hand in his and continued sleeping with his eyes closed, thumb tracing designs only known to him on her palm and Mia's eyes softened as she sighed in content.

Subaru who was to her left leaned towards her before muttering, "The dress is nice," and when Mia's crimson eyes met his he looked away and continued eating with a glare at the faultless Cumberland sausage in his plate, a hint of red in his cheeks.

"Thank you for the dress, Mia." Yui smiled at her from across the table and Mia opened her mouth to reply before she froze. The sherbet pink eyed girl looked around in innocent confusion as the brothers stiffened as well.

Mia stood up and her chair fell back at the movement, Subaru followed in a second, his posture tense as he readied to defend the girl at his side from whatever had her on guard.

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