"Yeah! That's Austin! I'm so excited for his football game tonight! I'm going to be cheering for him the loudest!" I made my Barbie speak, as my voice went pitchier as well, and gained height. When Carly and I would play Barbies, and mostly any game we played, we always wanted those certain things to happen. Like for instance the game we played then. With both our dolls being popular cheerleaders in high school, with good looking boyfriends on the football team. That was our ideal life we wanted to achieve once we grew older, and when we would eventually enter high school. I for one definitely wanted to become a popular cheerleader with a boyfriend, and I hoped at the time that day would one day show up. At least one of us had achieved one of those goals, and that was being popular. That was Carly. Many people at school liked her, adored her more like. Myself being one of those people. It was as if she could do no wrong, at school, or at home. Her parents adored her as well, which seemed to be the opposite of my parents. My parents didn't care too much for me it seemed, and I felt that, you could bet. Carly was an only child, like I was, however her parents spoiled her much more. It was clear as to why my parents only had one child, for they couldn't even handle the one. Most days they would just let me be, not really caring what I did or where I went. Hence why I spent the time at Carly's more often.

  "Ok, so let's pretend that school is already done, and now it's cheerleading tryouts," I spoke up after I made the Ken doll stalk off, and Carly nodded her head in agreement. "Ok everyone! Gather around! Welcome to this years cheerleading tryouts! Now, I'm going to get you all to go into a straight line, and we'll begin!" I shrieked my voice once more, indicating I had turned back into my Barbie dolls character, and Carly did what I said as she lined up her doll and a few others as well.

  "I'm so excited!" Carly's doll jumped up and down as well, as she manually lifted her up and began to jump.

  "Ok, so first let's see your guys' back hand springs!" My doll spoke up once again, and Carly then moved her doll in a way, like she flipped backwards. And right after she lifted her hands in the air, I made my doll clap her hands in approval and in amazement. "Wow Carrie! That was great! Now let's see your gymnastics!" I applauded as Carly then moved her doll into a back hand spring, and then landed her into the splits. "Oh my! That was perfect! I think we found our new co-captain!"

  "Really?! Yay!!!!!" Carly cheered for her doll, as we both had smiled plastered onto our faces, and laughter emerging from ourselves.

  "Hey Carly!" A voice shouted from the kitchen down the hall, as I could already tell it was Carly's Mom. Footsteps could be heard making her way down the squeaky, carpeted hallway, as she turned the corner and stood right in the doorway of the play room. Carly's play room was located right beside her room, which made it easier access for her most days, instead of going downstairs like many of my bigger toys were.

  "Yeah Mommy?" Carly asked as her Mom shuffled her way to the doorway, and stood there for a few minutes looking at the toys and Barbies we were playing with.

  "I'm just about to make dinner, and I wanted to know if Mallory would like to stay over?" She asked as she looked over towards her daughter who looked very much like herself, and then peered over a few feet towards me, with questioning eyes present in her look. I could tell Carly looked over towards me as well, waiting for my answer, however before I could she jumped into the conversation first.

  "What are we having?" She asked as she took her eyes off myself, and peered back up towards her Mother.

  "We're having spaghetti," Carly's Mom—who was named Heather—told her daughter as Carly began to jump up with excitement.

  "Yes! That's my favourite! Do you want to stay Mal? I know how much you like spaghetti too," Carly ask as her Mom and her were the only ones standing, and I still sat motionless on the floor, with my doll still in my hand.

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