5. Watching

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Captain Barnacles Pov

I woke up to a really bad headache that's when I realized I was on the HQ floor as I held my head I thought 'What the hell happened last night?' once my headache settled a bit I looked around I saw Shellington he had.. red marker I think on his face I was all kinda gibberish I couldn't read, he had a fake mustache and at least 4 dicks drawn on him and in big red letters it said 'SMART ASS' I couldn't help but think Kwazii did it but then I looked at Tweak as she was holding a red marker 'Welp there goes that idea' she also had a full face of makeup on which I'm pretty sure Dashi did. I look over at Kwazii and he didn't have a shirt and his stomach was bruised also his eyepatch was on his other eye weird (flex) but okay.

I finally look over at Peso and besides Shellington he looked worse than the others his shirt was falling off his shoulder his permanent lipstick was smudged almost down to his chin how that happened I'm not sure he was laying on his stomach and holding an empty liquor bottle and I don't wanna know how bad I am "Finally up Captain?" I heard and looked over and saw Dashi "I yes.. yes I am" I say getting up slowly to not make my headache worse than it already is "Y'all sure did drink allot" she said giving a nervous chuckle "Yarrr.." "Oh me.. oh my.."we heard and looked to see Kwazii and Tweak getting up Kwazii holding his stomach and Tweak holding her head "What the hell happen" Kwazii asked looking around slowly "Well you all had bit to much to drink" Dashi said trying not to laugh when she looked back at Captain Barnacles "What's so funny? Something on my face?" I asked her "Er sorta matey what be on ye lip?" Kwazii asked him "Huh?" Dashi handed me a mirror saying a small thanks to her I looked and saw there was something on my lip it was yellow..and everywhere "That's.. strange what is that?" I asked myself "Well-" Dashi started but was interrupted by a loud groan we looked over at Peso who has a hand on his head probably in pain instinctively I went over and put a hand on his back "Peso..are you okay?" I asked knowing the answer "Nooo" he said lifting his head slightly "Here I'll take you to your room" I say picking him up "Wait I have something to show you two!" she said pressing some buttons on the computer.

She pulled up a video it was only 30 minutes long surprising honestly "I got so only the best last night" she said with an evil smirk Peso gulped know he was probably the one who drank the most and probably the most out of it "Ohh boy here we go.." he said looking away from the screen and I chuckled though nervous myself I don't think I drank much....I think.

On the video we saw Kwazii and Tweak they were talking obviously drunk of there asses and suddenly they started fighting they were kinda slurred so it was a little hard to understand them and then Tweak punched Kwazii him in the gut and he fell straight down and you could hear Peso Dashi and me losing it with laughter "Ooh.." I said winching at his pain then me and Peso chuckled "Aye now I see where it be from" he said giving her a glare "Eh heh sorry Kwaz.." she chuckled and after that and Kwazii rolled his eye.

Next thing was with Tweak and Shellington except Shellington was passed out "What are you doing?" Dashie asked snickering "He wants to *hic* keep *hic* breaking my gubs *hic* I've gotta get him back *hic*" she said chuckling and drawing dicks on him and wrote 'Smartass' on his head "Huh?!" Shellington said bringing a hand to his head and Tweak was looking away probably feeling bad from the two and they were both now glaring at her "Don't worry I got her back" Dashie chuckled showing she did hot pink makeup she did "I guess it's only fair" Tweak chuckled.

Dashie gasped when she saw a little of the next part "This one my favorite!" She said with sparkles in her eyes looking at Peso and I, Peso gulped again "Oh no.." I said furring my eyebrows she then pressed play you could see me I was facing the wall "What in the..?" Peso started being confused like us but that's when we saw two arms go around the back of my neck, they had pale hands and black sleeves "Oh...ohhhhhhhh" Tweak said her ear rising as her eyes widened as my arms wrapped around a tiny waist Peso's and I eyes were widen looking away I'm pretty sure both of our faces were crimson "Oh that be explaining why ye got that on ye lip~" Kwazii teased looking at us "P-Please be quiet.." Peso said burying his head into his hands luckily Dashie stopped before it continued "I-I think i should take you to your room.." I was walking towards where the bedrooms were 'Why can't I have that confidence like that normally' I thought.

Peso's Pov

'Why can't I have confidence like that?' I thought completely flustered from what I saw I'm just praying that it's not awkward between us now because I know he doesn't like me that way and I can't blame him.

We soon arrived to my bedroom "Do you think you can make it to the bed?" He asked me "Y-Ya I think so" I said then he put me on my feet but as soon as I stepped one foot I almost fell but he caught me "Guess not" he chuckled picking me back up and I chuckled "Thanks again.." I said looking away "It's no problem at all" he reassured me he put me down on my bed and went to walk out but stopped, I looked at him for a few seconds before I heard him whisper under his breath 'Fu*k it' and turn around "Huh-" was all I could say before he but one hand on the bed and one around my waist and kiss me harsh "Mph!'' I noised out but before I even had a chance to kiss back he pulled back "I-I'm so sorry Peso that..that was really uncalled for" he said as he apologized profusely.

I felt extremely happy that he felt the same way but felt bad that he felt bad so I finally got some confidence and grabbed his cheek he looked confused at my actions "Peso what are you-" before he could finish this time I kissed him my eyes were closed after a few moments I felt him kiss back it felt amazing in all honestly he wrapped his arm around my waist and I put my hands on his shoulders after a bit I felt a warm wet thing press against my lips I quickly realized it was is tongue and opened my mouth and his tongue dove in and explored my mouth I couldn't keep up but I liked the dominance of it after about 20 seconds are lips disconnected and a thin line of spit connected our tongues before snapping.

Barnacles and I were panting slightly "D-Don't be sorry I feel the s-same way" I chuckled still slightly out of breath "I can tell" he said kissing my neck, I moaned slightly without realizing it, my eyes widened as if it was possible I grew redder and was silent "Did..did you just m-" he started to ask me "N-No!" I said as I looked away, he was silent then chuckled lowly but it wasn't like a normal one it sounded..seductive and I shuttered "If you want" he grabbed my thigh "We could" he said with his eyes half lidded, he looked fucking sexy like that I shivered as I felt my pants get tighter "I...

OHHHHH BOY CLIF HANGER! But for real 2 chapters in one day?! Can't believe it myself I'm gonna really try and get the next chapter out soon cause we know what's gonna happen 😏 But anyway I do wanna give a quick shoutout to FaronTerry he\she is an amazing person who's a great supporter and today's there birthday so go give them the best wishes! Happy Birthday and I'll see you guys later by my chicken nuggets!
Words: 1446

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