10. Telling the crew and family

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Peso's Pov

I woke up with a yawn and rubbed my eye after a few minutes I finally sat up and looked at the time '11:43' I thought I took a longer nap then expected, that's when it hit me and I remembered what happened, I smiled softly and held my stomach but then I thought 'Is it too early? We've only been dating for three weeks... is he feeling forced into this...' my thoughts were interrupted by the bathroom door opening and Barnacles coming out "Oh good morning er..afternoon" he chuckled and I giggled.

He came over and kissed my cheek "Sleep well?" He asked and I nodded softly and after a bit of silence I decided to ask him "Barnacles.." he looked at me "Hm?" I looked back at my belly "Do..do you feel forced?" I asked him and he seemed slightly confused "What do you mean?" He asked tilting his head slightly "I mean we've only been dating for three weeks.." I said not looking at him but he seemed to get what I was saying.

I heard him sigh before he grabbed my chin and turned it to look at him, he was smirking "Peso trust me if I was feeling forced you could tell, I love you and I know that I will forever so I don't mind it, it may be earlier than expected but most things are better unexpected" he then kissed me and I kissed back hugging him smiling "Besides I do think your opinion matters more" he said hugging me back "Hm?" I hummed "Well it is your body if anything you have more say than I do" he said rubbing my cheek softly with his thumb, I thought for a moment "Ya...I guess so..." I said looking away slightly "Well Peso how do you feel about this" he asked me as now I'm in his lap again, I thought for a bit "I'd have to say...the way your thinking I'm thinking".

He nodded "Glad we're on the same page" he chuckled and I kissed his cheek and he kissed my head "We should tell the others soon.." I said then thought then my eyes widened "Is..is something wrong?" Barnacles asked now concerned "Dashie and Momma are not gonna stop talking about- oh my gosh- I'm so screwed" I said frowning and putting my head in Barnacles chest, now he understood why and laughed at me "Don't laugh!" I said upset which that made him laugh harder.

I tried getting out of his grip but he wouldn't let me "I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing at what you said" he chuckled kissing my cheek and I sighed.

We then went and got dressed luckily since I'm only about 3 weeks along it doesn't show a bump but with how small I am and how thin my waist was it's gonna be obvious soon.

We wore what we normally wore and headed up to HQ where we saw Dashie and Tweak "Morning you two" Barnacles said nodding "Morning" I said simply before I smelt something odd "..Is that olives?" I said frowning I don't like olives never have never will.

"Uh Tunip went through here with pizza and it had olives on it..how did you.." Dashie asked confused and suspicious I tried thinking of an excuse but I couldn't think of one before Kwazii came up shivering "Why it be so cold!" He said upset "It may be because we're in Antartica..and that you wear to almost nothing" Tweak rolled her eyes and Dashie giggled 'I forgot we were supposed to babysit Pinto today..' I thought "I'm hungry" I said simply before going to the kitchen.

Barnacles Pov

    After Peso left Dashie looked a little suspicious still but didn't say anything about it and turned to the computer "We'll be at the meeting place in two minutes Captain" she said and I nodded "Good" and I sat down on one of the chairs 'Wouldn't this be the best time to announce that Peso's pregnant? Of course I have to ask him but it's an idea..' I thought and got up "I'll be back in time for there arrival" I said and the two girls nodded as I went down one of the shoots.

I got to the kitchen to see only Peso and he was eating some fish biscuits "Hey Peso" I chuckled seeing the crumbs on his cheeks he looked at me slightly surprised and waved at me since his mouth was full..literally, he looked like a chipmunk.

Our Arctic Love (Human! Peso x Human! Barnacles)Where stories live. Discover now