1. The Button

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(Just so you know there, their animal body's until the next morning then...you'll see :3)

Tweak's Pov

Finally! I just finished the fish food generator' with a simple push of a button fish food will appear out of nowhere I hope this works cause I took a while and I had to use a special one of a kind thing, what that thing is...I can't remember...oh well let's hope this works! "Captain I finally finished the 'Fish Food Generator!" I say as I take a bite out of my carrot "That's great Tweak and just before bed! Tweak sound the Octo Alert!" Tweak pushed the button "Octonauts to the HQ!"

Peso's Pov

After hearing the Octo Alert I quickly waddled to the HQ and after an about minute everyone was there "What be the problem matey?!" Kwazii said rearing to go on a mission while I, on the other hand, yawned "Sorry for calling ya'll lot at almost bedtime but I made a new invention called FFG!" there was silence "What's an FFG Tweak?" Dashi asked rubbing her eye "Oh heh sorry it's the Fish Food Generator!" there was even more silence "That's it?" Kwazii asked "It's not just it! It will generate fish food out of nowhere I'll show you now!" after saying that she pushed the button and..nothing happened then it broke and part's went everywhere "WHAT! I spent so much time on this!" she said falling to her knee's so I went over and patted her back "It's okay Tweak you can do it again.." I say trying to comfort her "No I can't I used a part that I only had one of.." her ears flopping on her head "Well what is me' hardy we'll look for it!" Kwazii said rearing to go "Thing is I can't remember" "Oh..." He said "Well how about we head to bed Tweak we can help you make another okay" Captain Barnacles said to her "..Okay" and with that, we headed to bed.

~Next Morning~

~Tweak's Pov~

    I woke up with a yawn and scratched my back then got up and opened my eyes, and went into the bathroom grabbed the toothbrush and toothpaste, putting the toothpaste on the toothbrush and put the toothbrush in my mouth, and moved it twice until I looked in the mirror and nearly choked on what I saw... I was human! I have mint green hair, black eyes with white pupils I had quite a bit arm muscle and I am ruffly 5,6. I dropped my toothbrush and quickly went to the Captain's room when I got in I saw a man with snow white hair and 2 white bear ears 'Oh no it happened to everyone didn't?!' "Captain something happened to get up!" I said shaking him he got up with a grumble I now see he an ice blue mustache thick white eyebrows "Tweak what is w-" but got interrupted when he saw me then notice himself "Tweak what happened to us!?" he got up and was shocked with how tall he was, he was ruffly 6,6 and I noticed he was quite buff in torso region and in the art department and his legs were pretty good too but he's not my type and I'm gay too so anyway, "Captain, I think it was the button, not nothing happened but I think it just needed time" I say thinking of an explanation to what the heck is happening.

    He thought for a moment "At this point it sound's believable matey'" we both turn around to Kwazii unlike the Captain he more muscle on he leg's and his torso, was okay his ear's were the same along with his tail "So it was the button?" he has asked surprisingly calm "That's what we're thinking" I say to the two "We should wake the other's up Kwazii you wake up Shellington, Tweak you wake up Dashi, and I'll wake up Peso. Let's go." and left go wake up the rest of them.

Captain Barnacle's Pov

    I walked up to the door with the bandage painted on it and knocked on it "Peso are you up?" all I heard was.. silence 'Guess he's not up yet..' and opened the door and looked inside and heard a light snore and looked at the bed and saw the bundles of blankets I see black hair with white tips and I walked over and shook him lightly "Peso wake up" I say he groans he looks at me with his eye's closed he had chubby freckled cheek's and yellow...stuff on his lip's "Okay Peso don't freak out okay?" I say calmly to him "Oh no.." he says furing up his eyebrow's before opening his big eye's and almost fell out of the bed "WHo the f- who are you!? Wh-WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!?" he screamed when he saw his arm "PESO calm down it's me Captain Barnacle's come with me and tweak and I can explain everything" I say holding his shoulders "I-I-I.." he took a deep breath "Ok I'm okay now" he said getting out of bed 'You look like your on the verge of crying but okay' I thought and when he got up he didn't look like me Kwazii or Tweak.

Peso's Pov

I get up on the verge of crying and my leg's felt weird "Oh" the Captain said I look down and noticed that my legs were together "That's strange you don't have a body like Tweak, Kwazii, and I" 'Great' I think to myself "It feels weird.." I say as I walk to the door but stop "Don't worry Peso I'm sure Tweak can fix everything" he says as he holds my right shoulder for some reason I felt my face get warmer 'Huh? What's this feeling? My heart.. whatever' "O-Okay Captain" I say and smile at him I swear his face turned a little red but I guess it was just warm.

Captain Barnacle's Pov

Wait..what's this feeling he just smiled at me I feel warmer and my hearts beating fast this is weird hopefully Tweak can fix this quickly.

~Time Skip~

No one's Pov

    Slowly the Octonauts gathered around the HQ muttering "Everyone please quiet down" the Captain said to his crew and they immediately quiet down "Thank you Tweak and I think we have figured out what happened, we're thinking that when she pressed the button that nothing happened but what happened is that we turned into human's" after a minute they processed what they heard "So..we're stuck like this forever..?" Peso asked, "No corse not matey' Tweak can fix us..right?" The pirate whispered to the mint-haired girl at the end "Well....no" she said quickly, the crew's mouths fell "I don't have the parts since it broke and there's one thing I need for it but-" she then pulled up a burnt part "There's no way I can reuse this" as soon after saying this the part turned into ashes. "Well definitely can't use it now," Dashi said. "Don't worry we'll just have to adapt to this new life Dashi do you think you can make clothes?" Captain Barnacles asked her "Yes but I might need a bit of help" there was a little silence when "Well I can help her" Peso said stepping up "Wait you can sew?" Shellington asked him "Yes even though I had flippers I can make some stuff" the once penguin smiled brightly "Well come we can get ready," she said looking at him "Okay".

Hey guys! Finally finished this I just thought I should give details on how the crew looks.

Captain Barnacles: 6,6 ft. White hair and eyebrows and have a light blue mustache and he's quite muscular 220 pounds. Brave and strong and willing to take control, a loose guy but can be strict especially if it's about one of his crew members

Peso:  5,3 ft. black hair with white highlights, freckles, pale skin, big eyes, puffy yellow lips, 40-inch waist (Female)155 pounds. Kind and innocent hardly ever gets mad but if you do..run. Not the bravest but try's his very best.

Kwazii: 6,0 ft. Orange hair sharp jaw, lean torso but 6 pack, muscular leg's two sharp teeth 195 pounds. Very Brave and a daredevil doesn't think about the risk and run in but cares a lot about his friends

Shellington: 6,2 ft. Brown hair and mixed skin skinny and slender 160 pounds. Smart but not brave clumsy and can't drive at all but he's very smart and knows everything about almost any animal.

Dashi: 5,5 ft. Brown hair and mixed skin a bit on the skinny side hair in two pigtails 155 pounds. Smart and Preppy she know everything thing about the octopod but also know's the latest trends and lives the color pink.

Tweak 5,6 ft. Mint green and tan skin 170 pounds. Slightly Muscular but could pick up Kwazii very smart and determined but talk about her inventions badly and you'll get chewed out

Professor Inkling: 5,4 ft. Pink straight hair and white mustache slightly wrinkly always in a chair or wheelchair. Really smart and loves books.

The vegimals are the exact same lol I'm going to sleep

Words: 1550

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