"Is it over?" Rosalie groaned, "Finally..."

"What's wrong with the movie, Rose?" Lilian chuckled.

"I've seen it too many times," She said, "It's Alice's favorite."

"Then I think I can..." Lilian yawned in mid-sentence, "understand."

Alice and Rosalie both chuckled, "I think someone's ready for bed." Alice teased, as both sisters stood up and pulled back the duvet. Lilian crawled in reluctantly, sending Alice a playful glare.

"I don't understand why I have to sleep in the guestroom. I feel like I'm sleeping at my grandparents' again." Lilian joked, making both girls laugh melodically.

"Like I told you before, my room's a mess," Alice hummed, "Besides, there's no space in my bed."

"Fine, but no need to tuck me in like a baby, guys." Lilian grumbled, glaring at Rosalie, who had pulled the duvet back over her, like she was a child.

"I'm sorry, I just like to tend to my guests," Rosalie apologized mockingly, leaving the room with Alice, giving Lilian some time alone. The girl in question stared to the forest outside, giving herself a little time to think.

The Cullens weren't that bad... She surely liked Esme and Carlisle had been so kind to her. Alice and Rosalie were amazing, Emmet was so comical. Then, there were Jasper and Edward. Lilian surely didn't trust Edward, but Jasper was just great! The few times they'd talked, during class and sometimes when he came with Alice to keep Lilian company, those times had been awfully nice.

But then why did all her instincts tell her that these people were dangerous? Why did she have that cautious feeling around all of them?

"She's warming up to us," Edward said, "At least to you guys. She doesn't trust me for a million dollars."

"That's because she's smarter than most people. I have the constant idea that she's aware of what  we are." Rosalie shivered, her emotions clear for Jasper, who could feel them too. Admiration for Lilian Harper's intelligence. Fear, for her judgement.

"It's not going to happen, Rose. I don't see her finding out anything..." Alice said, but she sounded so unsure of her visions right now, "At least... I think I don't. I can't look much further... It's incredibly hard and it gives me a headache."

"Let's just be glad she has warmed up to us a little. And let's hope there'll grow something beautiful from it..." Esme whispered quietly, smiling at Jasper, who knew what she was talking about. Alice's other vision. Where he would end up with her for a year, before losing her once again.

"I just don't understand her thoughts... they're so fast, her conclusions are so accurate, yet always right," Edward muttered, "It scares me somewhere, knowing that she's suspicious, but doesn't judge us still. It's like..."

A gut-wrenching scream echoed through the Cullens' house, making Jasper look up in horror. Lilian's having a nightmare again.

"What is she dreaming of, Edward?" Jasper asked him hurriedly, before speeding himself upstairs, to find Lilian Harper crying and mumbling in her sleep.

"No, Julie," She writhed, her cheeks completely wet from tears that flowed from her closed eyes.

"Holy God..." Edward mumbled, and Jasper looked at his adoptive brother, panicked and worried. Jasper could sense the fear that came from the girl. He could feel the horror and the pain that went through her brain.

"She... she has a trauma. She's seen two of her best friends being ripped open," Edward said, "by a vampire." Esme, who came in with Alice and Rosalie, gave a horrified gasp.

"The poor thing," She whispered, and Jasper looked at Alice, who nodded.

"We've got to wake her up, otherwise she's going to scream even more. Jazz and I will handle this, everyone else, please leave the room," Alice said softly, leading the three other vampires out.

'The man... he looked so familiar, whilst he bit down Rachel's neck. There was no way that was true. He killed them, instead of draining them like a... vampire. Lilian suddenly saw his face and screamed out. It was him. That blond, pale man from the woods. The bare-chested man, he had crimson red eyes and dirty blonde pony-tail. It was him, and he hadn't recognized her...'

"Lilian, wake up, please!" She heard someone cry out. Gasping, she shot up in bed giving the tears another possibility to stream.

"It was him... he's a monster..." She rambled, as she felt two strong arms wrap around her. It felt incredibly familiar, those cold arms calming her, it felt good. Suddenly her eyes shot open, seeing holding a phone and making photos as Jasper holds her.

"You two would just make the best couple," The pixie squealed, and Lilian glared at her.

"Show those to anyone Cullen, and you won't make the mall tomorrow," She growled, freeing herself from Jasper's embrace and snuggling back into her pillow, whilst drying her tears.

"Are you going to be all creepy and watch me sleep or are you going back to bed as well?" Lilian asked Alice with a raised eyebrow, who giggled in response.

"I'm going, I'm going," She soothed the human girl, who was completely oblivious to the look she sent to Jasper, who got up as well.

In a fast reflex, Lilian took the sleeve of his shirt and tugged at it, "Can you please stay? It helped the last time... I actually got to sleep, instead of trying to keep those images away from my head..." Lilian whispered softly.

Jasper looked into Lilian's eyes for an entire minute, feeling himself drowned in their ice-blue color. Those orbs felt as the answer to his entire existence, and he could only wonder how he was going to continue his life after she was gone. Which she would be, within a year from now.






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