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  Sally Jackson had just finished baking a plate of blue cookies. They were for her son, Percy who would be coming soon. She had received a call from him. He had called from Greece. He would be coming home soon to meet her for a few minutes. She couldn't wait!
Just then the doorbell rang.
"Coming!" She called out. She wiped her hands on her apron.
When she opened the door, she almost fainted. "Poseidon! What brings you here? Come in! We can talk inside."
He smiled and walked inside. Sally couldn't help but notice that the circles around his eyes head become more pronounced.
She gave him juice and a few cookies. "Percy will be coming soon too."
He bit his lip. "Sally, I wanted to talk to you about Percy."
That caught her attention. "What? What happened to him? Is he okay?"
Poseidon seemed to be holding back tears. "Percy went somewhere difficult to come back from. It'll be okay, he's got Annabeth with him. But... I'm sorry, Sally."
She was confused. "Wha- where did he go?" Then it dawned upon her. "He didn't go to Tartarus, did he? Tell me!"
Poseidon just hung his head. "I'm sorry Sally."
"And Annabeth's with him. My poor babies! NOOOO!" She stood up. "Poseidon, where's the nearest entrance to Tartarus?"
"Sally, have you gone mad? You can't go there!"
"I'm going! You can't stop me!" She cried.
He held her shoulders, "Sally, listen to me. Our boy, Percy can get out. He's got Annabeth with him too. You've gotta stay here. Wait for him. When he comes back, you need to be here. Please Sally, just stay. Don't go there."
She slumped down," Okay. But, if he doesn't come back, no one will be worse than me. No one. I swear."
"I'm sorry, Sally. I couldn't help him." A tear dripped down his face.
"It's okay. I-" she started
Just then the doorbell rang.
Sally opened it. It was a middle - aged man with blond hair. He kind of seemed familiar. "Who are you? I have a feeling we've met."
He looked up." I'm Frederick Chase. Annabeth's father." He held out his hand and Sally took it.
"Pleased to meet you," she said, "what brings you here? Come in."
"It's about Annabeth and Percy." He peeked inside the room. "Is that- have you heard about where they went?"
"Yes, I'm afraid so. Come in."
Once inside, all three of them cried. They couldn't help it. Then the doorbell rang again. This time it was Athena.
They all cried again. They shared memories of their children. And they felt better. Knowing someone understood. Felt the same pain they were feeling.
And eventually, they were sure that their children would make it back.   

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