Not meant to Be

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Fredrick Chase wiped the tears from his face. His daughter was alive!
It had been almost 5 years since he had heard from her. Sure, Athena told him that she was safe and sound, but he never got the actual proof.
And now, 5 whole years later it was a letter from his daughter! She apologized for all that had happened. Fredrick Chase nearly snorted. Why was she saying sorry? It was him who was to blame. If only he cared a little for his daughter, she wouldn't have run away. He was so wrong to believe he would feel no pain when she died if he didn't allow himself to get attached. Now he felt that he barely knew her.
She had also timidly mentioned in her letter if they could give it another try and if she could come back home after the summer. Who was she kidding? Of course she'd come, it was her house too!
Fredrick Chase smiled. He was picking up his daughter in a week.

Time skip to one week

"Annabeth!" He called out. Some guy who assumed was Argus because he had eyes all over his body said that she would be coming in 5 minutes.
He frowned. All he saw were strawberry fields.
Just then his daughter appeared. She was saying bye to someone... To someone named Seaweed Brain? Huh?
Annabeth faced him. She smiled faintly. So did he. Well this was awkward.
"Ahem," he cleared his throat, breaking the silence.
"May I have your bags, dear? And what do you say about a movie, A Roman Holiday, to be precise? Just me and you."
She grinned, handing him her bags. "Anything with you, dad."

Time skip to 6 months
His eyes stung. Annabeth had just left. And it was his fault again.
At first everything was going good. Then small fights happened. The usual sibling ones. The problem was Bobby and Matthew irritated her. A LOT. So she'd threaten them with her dagger.
Then the monsters started attacking. She'd kill it, no problem. But they were at constant fear.
He supposed today was the last straw for her. Monsters attacked. He yelled. She screamed. He yelled even more. She left.
He missed his daughter. But maybe this relationship just wasn't meant to be.

Frederick Chase - An okay fatherWhere stories live. Discover now