Chapter 18

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• Ivy •

Sighing I cleared my throat getting Riker's attention, he is lucky I found him, Maya was about to call the police reporting him missing, they probably wouldn't do much because it hasn't been 24 hours and they'd say his caking himself down but not the point. He pulled the towel down from his face and looked at me shrugging "the only reason we have find my iphone on is because I lose my phone a lot."

"I've known you long enough to figure out where you were, you walked out wearing your work out shoes, you thought going for a long walk would help clear your mind but that wasn't working so you decided to pick up the pace a little bit and started running, got sweaty wanted to take a shower but remembered you left your keys in my room but also knew we would be there waiting for you, so you thought you'd use the pool showers but decided you may as well get in one more cool down in." I said making him nod as he sat down shaking his hair dry.

I think the emotions of everything are hitting us now, we're starting to get scared about saying goodbye, living our lives without each other by our sides, we have this excitement and curiosity about our new chapters but at the same time we're too scared to finish the chapter we're on so we keep reading the last page over and over again, we're getting bored of it so we're getting angry and short tempered with each other, now we're letting it all out.

"I wouldn't go up to my room." I said sitting him back down.

"Why not?"

"Apparently I'm sorry I was on tinder isn't enough-"

"Ivy if they've fucked up that room, we can't afford that on top of-"

"They're fucking! Jay eventually forgave her, after she fed him some bullshit as always." I laughed sitting down next to him "what was it this time?"

"She's scared, she doesn't want to move away find out he was fucking some bitch behind her back and then deal with a break up." I said making him laugh as he looked at me "and he bought it?"

"She's scared, we all are. we're going from seeing each other everyday to every other holiday if we're lucky, you and Jay still get to see each other but we don't get to see each other or even you guys. All our lives we say we want to grow up and be adults but we always think that means we still get to live our lives the same way. You're scared the most, you thought that this summer would be the most amazing thing and I basically punched you in the balls, it wasn't my place to tell you about Emily." I said looking at him with a weak smile.

He laughed shaking his head "oh you punched me in the balls alright....but you also helped me up afterwards, yeah there were way better ways to tell me the truth but without you I would be marrying someone...who was pregnant with someone else's baby and expected me to be fine with her riding his dick but I'm not scared." He said looking at me.

"Riker we don't lie to each other, you told me last night you were scared and when you get scared you do this, you blow up, you don't want to talk to anyone, you don't want to see anyone and you break down." I whispered intertwining our fingers, stroking my thumb over his cut knuckles "but the four of us?" I asked laughing as I shook my head "we're a crazy family and it's ours nothing can take that away from us, no matter how far away, we will always come back home to each other and it took seeing you and Jay argue to make me realize that my dad may hate me for the rest of my life but I'll always have this family, which is why as much as I want something with you I can't, I would love to believe me but you're the only family I've got and if i lose you I don't know if I'd function properly and that's means I have to do everything to stop from losing you." I said standing up.

There is way too much at stake if Riker and I start dating, I'm not risking it all for a stupid little crush "what happened to making memories? Taking risks?" He asked making me look at him "Ivy don't you dare start building your damn walls up with me, we tell each other everything, I am not just some guy at a party trying to get into your pants." He said walking up to me.

"That was until I realized that making memories meant the kind of memories that my kids ask about what mommy and daddy did before they were born." I said moving away from him.

"What? You took that pregnancy test and it came up negative, are you saying you're pregnant?"

"I'm saying if I make memories with you I don't want them to be the ones that keep me going through a shit marriage, i want them to be the ones we think about on our anniversary or we tell our kids, you said last night if they don't treat me like a queen he ain't my king, you were talking about us, because no one else is ever gonna treat me the way you do, before this fucking trip you were my bestfriend who was marrying my sister-"

"And now? Now I'm someone you don't want to be arou-"

I sighed rolling my eyes and kissed him, closing my eyes as he dropped the towel and t-shirt in his hand onto the floor, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer "who am I ivy?" He whispered resting his forehead against mine.

"Everything I want but can't have, your room is key is in your pocket, two hours and then we're on the road again." I said walking away from him, sighing as I got a breath of fresh air.

This is crazy, I'm going crazy! Riker is my bestfriend. That is all he should and will ever be, I shouldn't of let him kiss me, I shouldn't of had sex with him and I shouldn't of carried it on because it opened up Pandora's box and now we can't fucking close it.

"Did you do it?" Maya asked making me nod.

"Hey I can be your rebound." Jay said getting a jokingly death glare from Maya.

"You told him the truth, for us to go back to normal everything has to go with-"

"I knew he was quick but I didn't think he was that quick." Riker said giving me a questioning look.

"You two needed to talk, look everything has to be in the open so we can finish this, when we go to New York shit is changing and we're on the fucking clock, we make memories but no more fights, no more secrets and no more sex if you are not a couple." Jay said making Riker laugh "you couldn't just say we need to talk?"

"It sounds too serious-"

"Ivy you just fucking told me you clearly have some deep fucking feelings for me and then said we can't do anything about it, that is a serious kick to the balls-"

"What?" Jay asked "I thought you told him you didn't want to have sex anymore because of Emily."

"Ivy do you like Riker?" Maya asked.

"No, he just got confused-"

"im thirsty." Maya said, Jay nodded pushing her away from us, looking over my shoulder I smiled as they walked out of the front of the hotel "what the fuck is going on?" Riker asked.

"You need to keep what happened in that pool area to yourself, I do like you, a lot, but nothing will ever come of it ok?" I asked "because you're my sisters ex, you're my bestfriend, we would be half the country away from each other, you are too hot for your own good and you have bomb dick, we stay friends, no more kissing, no more anything and they can't know, they just think we were fucking for sex, can't have Jay thinking you've ruined his dream of a threesome now." I smirked.

"Hey you said you wanted to make some memories didn't say who had to be apart of them." He winked walking past me.

"Freak!" I said as he turned around and licked between his fingers "I'm just not boring!" He said making me laugh, and we're back to the way we were.

HOLY CRAP! Last time I updated was October 5th 2018! 2 months short of a year, I'm so sorry, I'm not even sure if you missed this story or not but I promise I will be back on regular updates!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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