Chapter 11

38 4 1

• Riker •

"I'm not blind so I can see you and Ivy aren't talking, did you not let her have sex with you?" Jay asked closing the car door, I lifted my head up off of the steering wheel and looked at him "she said she'd rather be friends, it's too much of a risk to lose everything." 

What am I doing wrong? I try everything, I tried with Emily, even when I thought she was cheating I didn't do anything because I didn't want things to get ruined, now everything is ruined. Things had just started to make sense with Ivy.

"Dude if you like her so much tell her that, Ivy isn't one of those obvious signs kinda girl you have to straight up tell her-"

"Dude I so totally didn't think of that, how stupid of me. She said so herself she likes me she just values our friendship more, it's something she doesn't want to lose, why do girls make you think they dig you as much as you dig them then pull away last minute?" I asked.

"Maybe it's not her who's pulling away, maybe you dig her more than you want to admit because you're best friends and you two didn't really do things the right way, you're 17 there's gonna be plenty of girls who want a piece of you and the girls who said no are gonna be begging when you show the world your guitar playing skills, a guy who can play like that can play the girls, don't make me hit you with a tampon." Jay said.

I laughed and slowly looked at him "why do you have a tampon?"

"That is a really good question, I found it in my pocket, do you want it?" He asked.

"To shove down your throat, sure." I said laughing as he hit me, I leaned against the door jumping as Maya opened it "this is a boy's only conversation." Jay said going to close the door.

"Ivy's passed out drunk and I can't move her." Maya said, Jay looked at me smiling. Sighing I got out the car and followed Maya to the steps and picked Ivy up bridal style walking back to the car, I jumped in the back and sat her up, taking off my sweatshirt I pulled the straps of her dress down and pulled her arms through the arms of my sweatshirt, zipping it up I reached behind her and undone her dress as Jay started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, we decided to all night it tonight, sleep in the car save some of our money.

Pulling the blanket over her I rolled my eyes and leaned back closing my eyes jumping as she moved her head into my lap "you good bro?" Jay asked.

I nodded leaning between the two of them "She's a sex drunk."

Maya looked at me and poked my arm "did you undress her ?"

"No I just undone her dress so it would be more comfortable for her, don't worry I put my sweatshirt on her first, didn't see anything." I said as Jay stroked my face "that you didn't want to see."

"I want Riker, Where's Riker?" Ivy whines sitting up, Maya and I looked behind us and shook our heads "I know she hurt you but she's right, what you two have isn't worth the risk of losing."

I sighed and climbed into the back "do you know where Riker is?"

"Ivy it is Riker, I'm Riker." I said freezing as she threw herself at me, hugging me "help me." I mouthed.

Maya laughed shaking her head and looked back at the road "take a nap, go night night." I said laying her down, pulling the cover back over her.

"Will you hug me until I fall asleep?" Ivy asked making me nod as I laid down, she smiled and laid her head on my shoulder, wrapping her leg over my mine I slowly rubbed her back.

"Hey go keep him company, I've got her." Maya said climbing over, I nodded and climbed into the front smiling as Jay rubbed my shoulder "I'll get you laid."

"I-I'm good but I promise as soon as I want to I'll come to you-"

"I swear to god you two suck each other's dicks." Maya said as I looked back at her "so?" I asked "you fucked her." I winked.

"Hey I'm just curious would that ever happen again?" Jay asked making me laugh "let it go dude, just let that go to sleep with the chance of Santa and a sharknado happening."

"Fine then when a sharknado really happens you're not gonna be safe in my bunker-"

"It won't happen you idiot because a shark lives in water, yes the tornado may pick up water but it wouldn't be enough to keep a giant fish alive, your head is stuck into too much hollywood porn movies." Maya said.

I think there is supposed to be something else in there but she's right, Jay is crazy and I love him his my brother from another mother but really, a sharknado? I'll see pigs fly and a fucking unicorn before that happens.

"Is that person dressed as a unicorn?" Jay asked.

"Dude he has a balloon." I said.

"Go ask him for it, I'll pull over-"

"Have you not seen IT?" Maya asked.

"It's a guy in a unicorn outfit!" Jay said glaring at her "she meant the killer fucking clown Pennywise! We all float down here, you don't take no fucking balloon from anyone." I said making him laugh "you know I don't like horror movies-"

"Yes I know, your panties get all wet watching a knife go through someone's stomach." I said groaning as he punched me in the balls, leaning forward I screamed banging my head on the dashboard.

"I'm up, am I being kidnapped?" Ivy asked "is he having a fit?"

"Jay just punched him in the balls and that thud you heard was his head hitting the dashboard." Maya laughed, I grabbed a water bottle and threw it at her.

"How long was I out?" Ivy asked rubbing her eyes.

"Less than 15 minutes, remember we said we would just drive tonight and sleep in the car?" Jay asked as the car slowly came to a stop, I looked at him and smacked him around the head "you said you were getting gas!"

"It was a really good burp." Jay said making us all sigh as he took the keys out, the girls screamed and climbed over as someone opened the back doors "sup guys?" Lucas asked.

"Lucas?" Ivy asked "what are you doing? It's the middle of the night."

"She's drunk ignore her, dude you can't just go round opening doors of peoples cars, I could of shot you, wait you're the unicorn.",Jay said.

Lucas is the guy I set Ivy up with and he couldn't get it up which I know it's mean to laugh about but it's kinda funny for someone our age, you know we have raging hormones and sex runs through our minds like breathing, it's just something that we do.

"Yeah there's a wild a party going on, some girl was dancing about on tables and started making out with two guys at the same time, one of their nicknames was vamp because he has a wrist fetish." Lucas said as Ivy his her wrist inside my sweatshirt, some things never change.

Next update: 182

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