Chapter 6

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• Ivy •

I laughed as Maya looked me up and down with a evil smirk across her face "considering Riker said he was going looking for you last night, my bet is that hickey came from him. Are you two finally letting your feelings come out?"

Oh my god I regret ever saying Riker would suck in bed, he proved his point, he definitely proved his point, my god that boy is a blessing.

"A little somethin' somethin' happened but don't tell Emily or Jay." I said, Maya laughed wrapping her arm around me "as if I would say anything, even though I wouldn't tell a soul I need to make a deal, in return of keeping your dirty little secret, I need details."

It's wrong I know that, I'll probably end up hating myself when it settles in more. It's crazy that I don't feel guilty about it, maybe it's because I'm a stupid teenager who let her hormones take over her body with the help of a incredibly gifted kisser who knows exactly how to get a girl hot or-

"Stop looking at donuts, come on we gotta hit the road." Riker said putting his arms around the both of us "you do know Jay was serious about him trying to get you two to fuck right?" Maya asked.

"Your boyfriend poked holes in all your condoms, congratulations!" Riker smiled, Maya laughed shaking her head "jokes on you, we don't use condoms....oh I get your point, is bitchy already in the car or is she hiding behind a plant pot with a stupid hat and glasses ?" Maya asked smiling.

Riker glared at her, I on the other hand laughed doing our fist bump, each of us i.e just the four of us have our own little fist bumps, it was supposed to be hand shakes but they became boring so we mixed it up.

"You told her ?! You know she isn't going to keep it a secret-"

"She came to me and told me, maybe if you hadn't been such a dumbass and said you were looking for me." I whispered.

"I wanted to make sure you were o-"

"You know I hated his guts, I didn't like him and yeah it's sad that he died but he injected himself and snorted the coke, he was nothing but a stupid player who thought that by saying he loved me I would go running into his arms, he had it coming and he deserved what he got. You didn't go looking for me, you followed me. I replayed that voice mail because I was pissed and he wasn't my first and secondly we didn't even have sex, he went round saying it to make himself look cool." I said making him nod.

"Fine, I wanted to talk about Emily and I wasn't sure if you knew so I thought instead of you two killing each other it would be better if I told you." Riker sighed.

I looked at him and laughed "you're not my boyfriend, we're not in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, what you do and who you do isn't any of my business. I get why you wanted to talk but I'm not making you choose between me and Emily, if it makes things easier I'll back off-"

"No! That is my actual nightmare, is not being friends and I'm not choosing between you two, she just has to understand that my attention isn't always going to be on her, we have homework to do together and Jay wants to go do stuff, I know you guys don't like it that she's here she kinda invited herself and I didn't have the heart to say no." Riker said doing a cute little grin.

"What are you two doing ?" Emily asked looking me up and down "talking about how much of a crazy possessive bitch you are." I said, Riker hit me hard glaring at me.

"If you don't like me just say it." Emily said.

"I'll tell you I don't like you the same day you tell mom and Dad you're pregnant." I smiled, Emily laughed shaking her head slowly as she walked up to me "you're a real fucking bitch-"

"Ivy." Riker warned standing in between us, Emily glared at him "back off, this is between me and her-"

"No! She is my bestfriend, and I enjoy spending time with her but I don't need to be babysat. You two need fucking couples therapy, I can't please everyone ok? Now I don't get why you two can't just be friends for five minutes but sort it out, you stop being a bitch no bitchy comments and you let me breathe a bit, I love you and I want to spend time with you and I love Ivy, Maya and Jay and I want to spend time with them. If you can't trust me and you can't let me breathe then I'm not doing this, I need space, so just...I don't know...I'm not being made to choose between either of you because if I can't have the both of you without jealously and madness then I'm not having either of you." Riker sighed walking away.

Emily laughed slow clapping "Well-fucking-done, first you ruin the first 17 years of my life and now my relationship, you're not my sister, you're dead to me."

I nodded grabbing the cup of water and threw it over "I never was your sister." I said walking away from her and out to the parking lot, wiping my eyes.

Even if it doesn't seem like it I hate arguing with Emily, at the end of the day we're siblings there's nothing we can do to change that. We spent 9 months together in the womb that was clearly enough for a life time, we've never got on and mom admitted that it was easier for her and our dad to 'raise' us not separately but they focused on us separately, we've just never been siblings.

"Why is your shirt wet ?" Jay asked leaning against the car, I ignored him and carried on walking "Ivy!" Maya shouted "where are you going ? We need to get going-"

"Then go, if you think I'm getting into a fucking car with that bitch you've got another thing coming. I can't stand her, I can't stand pretending that this summer is going to be the best summer of my life because guess what it's not, this is the real fucking world Maya." I said gasping as Maya hugged me.

"Calm down, take a breath just calm down." Maya whispered holding me tight "I hate her and I feel bad for saying that but then it's true because that's what she makes me feel."

"Why don't we drive, me and you in the front or you and Jay and then when we get there her and Riker can fuck off and do what they want and we do what we want just the three of us ?" Maya whispered.

"Can I sit in the back back ?" I asked "like alone in the back, third row with head phones ?"

Maya laughed and nodded "come on."

I sighed and climbed into the back, catching my ear phones as Maya climbed in next to me "it's so they won't sit next to you." She whispered as Riker and Emily walked out of the hotel.

This is going to be fun.....

Happy Birthday to the beautiful, the amazing, the talented Courtney Eaton 💖

Your Kiss Is Magic // Riker Lynch Where stories live. Discover now