Chapter 17

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• Riker •

"Jay what the fuck are you doing?" I asked pushing him to the floor, looking around the room I groaned as I sat up. What dude sits on top of another dude bouncing up and down to wake them up? Sure jumping on them when they're laying on their side or jumping on them on your knees but sitting across them with your legs either side of theirs? Gets a little weird.

"I was trying to wake you up." He said standing up.

"By riding my dick?" I asked "what do you want?"

"Longer term-"

"Jay I will kill you, why did you wake me up!?" I asked rubbing my eyes, he laughed and sat down "the girls went somewhere and I got bored so get out of bed you lazy fuck." Jay said trying to push me out of the bed.

"You and Ivy are just friends are you?" He asked, I nodded and got of the bed and grabbed a t-shirt before throwing it on, walking into the bathroom I looked at Jay raising my eyebrow "Jesus I can't even piss in peace, yes we're just friends and before you come up with some bullshit that's going to make me think any different-"

"Not even the scratches down your back? The hickeys on your chest?" He smirked "I get it, she's moving to New York, you dated the sister, things are working out differently, was that a 'Ive-been-holding-it-in-too-long' sigh?"

"No, that was there's an annoying little voice in my head that won't shut up. Last night was the last time, all the arguing and all the other little things like the sex and what ever, done. I knew Emily had cheated and I used Ivy to get back at her, it was a dick move." I said flushing the toilet and washing my hands.

"You piss like an old dude." Jay said, looking over my shoulder I shook my head sighing how am I friends with him? WHY am I friends with him? Jay is a smart-idiot. His smart when he wants to be but 99.9% of the time his a fucking idiot and an asshole.

"I don't normally have someone stood there watching me, I get stage fright, I get it things are confusing between me and her like even we don't know what's going on, we didn't even know why it started or even how, well we know how it started we just don't get how we let it happen, we're those people who will always have some indescribable feelings towards each other which won't come back to life until we're easily late 30's early 40's divorced and with kids-"

"I was just asking because Emily keeps texting me and I have your laptop so all night it was just going and going." Jay said laughing.

"Why didn't you just switch the sound off-dude come on! My laptop?" I asked sighing.

"I didn't get any on it-"

"That's disgusting." I said shaking my head.

"Jay stop trying to play with his dick, it's gay and he doesn't play that way." Ivy said throwing the mcDonalds bag at him, I groaned and pouted as Maya pulled the drinks out from behind her back "don't worry little puppy I got you a drink." Maya said stroking my face as I took my drink off of her "your boyfriend is gay and likes having things shoved up his ass."

"You mean other than his own head?" Ivy asked, I laughed and jumped on the bed.

"I lied my spunk is all over your laptop-"

"Dude gross! Wait I was asleep next to you all night, you're the loudest dude ever." Maya said, ivy laughed walking up to jay and pulled his bottom lip down "Yeah real quiet, McMuffin or wrap?"

"Wrap me." I said catching the wrap in my hands, Ivy and Maya laughed jumping on the bed next to me "my pancakes bitch." Maya said smacking my hand away.

"Two bites?" I asked, Maya nodded taking a bite out of my wrap as I took the piece of pancake out of her hand, two bites is a system we made up that if someone wants a piece of our food we get a piece of theirs. Normally we all got the same exact meal just to stop that problem but we all like different breakfast foods.

"What kind of guy do you think he looks like?" Maya asked reaching over me to show Ivy her phone "why are you looking at guys?" Jay asked.

This is about to get a hundred times more awkward when he realizes she's actually on a dating app, Tinder to be exact, they've always said they'd do long distance and I'm sure there are some people who can, I'm not one of those people.

"It's okay as long as I don't touch, just answer the question." Maya laughed.

"No, his the creepy stalker, he over plans the first date and makes it way too creepy because he'll kiss you even though you know that is the first and last date, he'll follow you or something, his a big ass nope." Ivy said making me laugh "what is it you always say? Never judge a book by its cover."

"Wait a minute, are you on tinder?" Jay asked grabbing her phone out of Ivy's hand, we looked at each other and nodded "this feels more like a private conversation-"

"You and you stay. Ivy why is she on tinder and why are you letting her?" Jay asked.

"Do I look like her fucking mother to you?" She asked "let me be real with you because he won't and she won't, that image you had in your head about these dreamy college experience, remember that perfect three bed apartment we were going to get? What happened to that Jay? It went out of the window because we knew it was a waste of time, she's breaking up with you before college-"

"Ivy!" Maya gasped.

"I'm sorry but for the last three months all I've heard is about how you're going to break up with him and it has been so hard for me to pretend like I give a fuck-"

"Ever since he started fucking your sister all I heard was you bitch about it! Funny how you can grow enough balls to tell him something-"

"Alright! Everybody enough. You shouldn't of said anything, you should of just told him-"

"Like you're gods gift?" Jay laughed shaking his head, at which point did I claim that I was gods gift? I have never once claimed that I am, I've made my mistakes, I've fucked up, I had sex with my girlfriends sister, I used my bestfriend against my girlfriend but I have had enough arguing on this trip.

"Don't you fucking start with that bullshit you and I both know I could very easily throw you under the fucking bus and run you over a few times. We made a deal three years ago that the first day Monday of summer we would make a road trip going to all 50 states before we all left to go to college and make a shit ton of fucking memories, I get it we are all scared but guess what you assholes, we're stuck together until we get back, I didn't come on this trip to watch our friendship go down the drain so either suck it up or I'm catching a flight back home and seriously ending this." I said getting up off of the bed and picked up my phone and wallet before walking out of the room, slamming the door shut behind me.

This isn't meant to be the final goodbye, this is meant to be make as many memories as possible to get us through the short period of time of not seeing each other for so long, it's not meant to be the place where we push each other as far away as possible to the point where just seeing each other's names actually makes us feel sick.

"Hey asshole." Ivy shouted, sighing I turned around and looked at her "now isn't the time for the 3am conversation."

"Last night you came to my room and said what is going on with me, not what's going on with me and my dad or me and anybody, what is going on with me but I never asked you that because I thought you were fine-"

"Didn't you hear what I just said?" I asked.

"What secret is Jay hiding?" She asked.

"It doesn't concern you-"

"You don't concern me but I choose to be concerned about you, I don't have to worry about you but I choose to, I didn't have to be friends with you but guess fucking what I chose to. Somethings going on up here and if we're not careful well I don't want to be anywhere near you when you finally give up trying to hold up a wall that is only closing in in you."

So a really sweet girl left a comment and sent me message asking if I would check out her story, Young Blood, I'm not usually into the whole vampire scene, you know with twilight ruining it (sorry not sorry) but I was really surprised when I found how interesting it was and how much I wanted to read more, so if you could go help out a fellow R5ER and Wattpadian? And check out her story and give her a follow, a vote and a comment I'm sure she would really appreciate it - - - AfterglowRiker

Your Kiss Is Magic // Riker Lynch Where stories live. Discover now