Chapter 16

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• Ivy •

"What?" I asked opening the door, Riker sighed leaning against the door frame "can we talk?" He asked, laughing I shook my head and let him in. We actually have three rooms and are staying in a really nice hotel, it's got two outdoor pools and a heated pool, a spa, a arcade, bowling alley and they even have a movie theatre.

"What is going on with you?" Riker asked "not what is going with your dad, or your mom or even emily, why are you pushing me away but not the others? I am sorry about what I said but you're not the only who's scared Ivy, you're not the only one who is losing their best friends, so please before I go over the edge and drive myself to insanity what is going on?"

"I'm not ready, I'm..I'm just not ready." I whispered "saying goodbye to everyone, i-it's easier pushing everyone away, and trust me you're the last person I'm pushing but you won't let me push, I've been pushing Jay and Maya away since the start of the year, I didn't think I had to worry about you, you had Emily." I said sitting down on the bed, drying my eyes on the sleeves of my jumper.

Pushing away Maya and Jay has always been easier, even though we are best friends they're not my best friend like Riker is, we're close but Maya and I haven't exactly been the best of friends lately, we've just been arguing, she wanted to go to NYU but didn't get in and then I did it's caused some tension between us and Jay there's not really anything that makes it easy his just one of those people who don't really know when you're pushing them away.

"What does me and Emily have anything to do with anything?" Riker asked sitting down next to me.

"You would be married then, I hoped you'd be on your honeymoon and saying goodbye would just be a see you later." I said playing with my thumbs "I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said the other day-"

"It's fine, I'm sorry too, I was kind of a dick to you. And saying goodbye can be a see you later, when I'm rich and famous I will come visit you in my private jet." Riker said making us both laugh as we laid down.

"Does that mean because you love me so much you'd get me a fancy penthouse apartment?" I asked, he laughed and nodded tucking my hair behind my ear "I'll get you anything you want."

"Yay, you can be like my sugar daddy but you're not old." I said making him smirk as he moved closer "I thought I was chasing a dream that goes round in circles."

"Most guys chase the wrong girl and keep going in circles, you know what you want, you know how to get there, you know exactly where you're going, just promise me one thing, you will never let a girl treat you less then you deserve because I will not be there to slap a bitch." I laughed pointing at him.

"And you know if a guy ever breaks your heart you call me and I will be in the first plane over, I will hunt him down and kill him, if he doesn't treat you like a queen, he ain't your king." He whispered kissing me.

"But I don't know how a king treats a queen, I just know horny teenage boys who have nothing better to do than make out with their ex's sister." I smirked pulling away.

Riker laughed and moved me up the bed pinning my hands above his head "well first things first is his gentle side makes you weak and his dominant side makes you wet." He kissed my neck making me laugh "secondly, life is too short for shitty sex and bad relationships so go and find someone who fucks you right and treats you how you deserve to be treated but most of all, he respects you and your boundaries and he never ever eats food off of your plate but always orders a large meal so you can take his food."

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck "I love it how if we go and get food somewhere you eat so slow or leave at least half of something and then just causally push your food towards me, I'm going to miss not having you around, who am I going to bitch to now?"

He laughed sticking his hand in his pocket and pulled out his phone making me laugh as my phone started ringing "hi."

"Hi." Riker smiled "I'm always going to be a phone call away and who is that sexy beast on your phone?"

"Someone who is clearly filled with ego, but my best friend in the whole world who shares his food with me and always lets me choose the songs in the car, let's me pick the movies we see and randomly buys me chocolate and accidentally gave me thong roses instead of chocolate roses for Valentine's Day." I said making us both laugh.

Riker and Jay always buy me gifts on Valentine's Day so I don't feel left out, they even took Maya and I to a restaurant, wouldn't tell us where we were going, dressed up and everything, those are the types of friends you need in life, ones who go the extra mile for you.

"Jay and I got them mixed up." He smiled pecking my lips making me whine "Yeah I forgot, sorry."

"No." I said hanging up, putting our phones next to us I moved underneath him and gently grabbed his chin pulling his head down I kissed him "oh you wanted more?"

I nodded making him smirk as he slowly moved over me, bending my knee he moved in between my legs and kissed my neck "no." Riker whispered pulling my hand out from in between us "n-not that I don't want to, I just, maybe we shouldn't you know, mix any strings up."

Yeah his totally right, I mean it's not like he just flirted with me, it's confusing and I'm very confused. Riker has always been attractive to me it doesn't mean that I've always wanted to sleep with him, I thought he was cute for sure but now that I've had him I want more, I need that kind of feeling again.

"Good idea." I said sitting up and moved over as he sat up sighing "Jay and Maya went down to the arcade to fuck."

"Oh nice-wait what?" I asked looking at him.

"They have a bucket list of where they want to have sex, a pool, in front of someone, an arcade, a public bathroom, in a restaurant, it's very strange I saw it, wish I hadn't." Riker said nodding.

"Guess there's no fucking about there." I said holding back the laughter.

"That was the worst joke ever I mean come on you can do better." Riker said making me laugh as I shook my head and looked at him "I wish Emily was here."

"You did nothing but complain-"

"But she gave me some control, I don't get it, I never wanted to have sex with you before, now it's like, I don't get it." I said stopping myself, it is constant, I can't even look at him without thinking about sex, right now I just want his mouth on my neck, his arms pulling me closer and the best feeling in the world when it's causal with no feelings but you can still feel something and his moans right next to my ears.

"We can do it one last time right?" He asked "you know for old times sake, last time we didn't anything more then kissing was before we argued so now all we see is us arguing-"

"Riker, you talk too much before sex, it's not even about sex!"

Next update: 555

HAPPY OCTOBER 🎃 you know what that means? Ross hits Netflix in 25 days!!!!

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