Chapter 13 - Redefined

Start from the beginning

Before me stood a vampire who had a strange look about him- that strange eerie look that Rubella and the Wickham guy did. He was wearing a tux, a clean- almost new looking tux as he spun around a woman as they danced back and forth. This was suppose to scare me more than the blood, bodies and merciless babbling on the walls?

When we got a little closer I noticed something I hadn’t before. The woman that the vampire was dancing with was dead. Completely and utterly dead. Her stench gave her away before her face had. The horrible maggots that seeped out of her eye sockets was proof enough. Her skin was more of a gray color but her red satin dress seemed almost brand new.

“Ahhh....the apple of my eye. Meet our newest visitor. Bella say hello to our blonde little friend.”

The vampire held the corpse’s face in my direction  and moved her jaw in a motion to say hello. I was so repulsed that I nearly fell back. Wickham shrugged apologetically.

“You do realize she’s dead...” The words were meant to be left in my head, not out loud. The bald, vampire in the tux’s face became darker than before.

“THAT’S NO WAY TO SPEAK TO MY WIFE. Come Bella, let’s continue our activities elsewhere.” He strode off with the woman into another room.

“Is he completely insane?” I found myself trying to breathe, as though I actually needed to breathe.

“He’s as sane as the rest of us. Yours will come too.” Rubella grinned at me and I found myself almost stopped dead in my tracks.

“My what will come too?” I locked eyes with her waiting to hear whatever god awful things were about to come out.

Her grin widened. “ He didn’t tell you did he?”

She placed her hands on her hips before glowering at me. “As a dark one transitioning back to an Elite your soul finds elsewhere to live. Some say your soul in your eyes or your heart, but we know where it really lives.” She walked over and traced her index finger across the center of my forehead.

“Inside your brain, when your soul leaves and comes back sometimes it doesn’t always find it’s way back home. Sometimes it lives somewhere else and mixes things up.”

I didn’t understand what she meant. “ Like Alzheimers?” Maybe the vampire just forgot his wife was dead...Surely that would make sense.

Wickham folded his arms giving her a scolding look. “Not all Renegades go crazy.”

I didn’t want to ask anything else but before I had a chance to think up anything to ask, I heard a loud ear piercing shriek coming from a room we just passed. We quickly ran to the room and opened the door.

The room was a white, clean, hospital like room with a bed and a table and there were lots of little children’s toys. There sat a woman in hospital gown with a little girl in her arms and she was combing her hair.

“Malena, what’s a matter?” Wickham asked compassionately as he approached the young woman who I noticed was a vampire.

“Tootsy lost her hair brush, but we found it.” She smiled at him before noticing me.

“I don’t like her smell! I don’t LIKE HER SMELL. GET HER OUT!” She startled me and went to stand up causing the girl who’s hair she was brushing to fall limply onto the floor. Another corpse?

I jumped out of the room as the violent girl named Malena came at me with the hairbrush.

“Oh my freakin’ God.” I leaned against the wall as they shut the door.

Rubella let out a laugh. “ That will be you one day, my dear.”

“Finally.” A man’s stern voice erupted from the end of the corridor.

He was wearing black jeans and a blue t-shirt with a black leather jacket. He was young and not vampire. I could hear the beat of his heart, but there was something strange about his scent that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

“Master. We have what you requested.” The woman shrivelled down onto her knees and bowed.

I looked at him, he wasn’t bad looking. Dark chestnut hair, deep blue eyes. He looked young and innocent, for him to be their master....well it didn’t make sense.

“She’s the girl?” He analyzed me from head to toe, still keeping his distance.

Wickham nodded and the man nodded before handing papers to him.

“I’ve signed the treaty to not interfere with the Renegades should they fall into our territory again. However, keep a better eye on them because the next time they attack one of my kin, I will be forced into an awkward position.” His words seemed empty, now that I had a better look at him, he seemed tired and weary and vulnerable.

Wickham mumbled an “I appreciate this.” Before Rubella followed his lead down a set of stairs.

The man who was their “master” who clearly wasn’t human if he had a kin- whatever that was. He looked at me again before muttering an “unbelievable” before gesturing me to follow him.

“Come along.” His voice was neutral, non threatening and I wondered what it was about him that could be so dangerous.

At the end of the corridor was another elevator.

“In.” He demanded.

“You’re not one of them.” I furred my brows together still trying to piece out what he was and what he wanted with me.

He let out an unexpected laugh as his expression lightened slightly. “ Nope, I certainly am not.”

“Have we met before?” I folded my arms watching him intently.

His serious expression lightened up. “Darling, you would have remembered meeting me.”

I would have laughed if that wasn’t ironic. “Actually no, I wouldn’t remember meeting you because I can barely remember my own name.”

He laughed with me and then looked at me. “Charming and a sense of humor.”

When he saw that I wasn’t kidding he looked exceptionally pissed. He threw me up against the wall of the elevator causing a major indent which I didn’t feel thankfully. His power and that gleam in his eyes was almost wolfish. Dear God, it finally clicked in what he was- a werewolf.

“You’ve got to be f***ing kidding me, I’ve been trailing you for months on end and you’re absolutely useless to me.”

I kicked him in the gut and sent him into the opposing wall. “Firstly,that hurt. Don’t do that again- okay? Secondly, help me find out who I am, and I’ll help you with whatever you need from me.”

I wasn’t sure if I honestly would follow through with my end of the bargain- but if he could help me remember than maybe by then I’d be strong enough to take him down.

“You’d do that? Help me- not even knowing what it was I wanted from you? What if I want you to massacre an entire village? Or kill babies?” He raised an eyebrow with a trace of amusement on his face.

I felt my eyes widen, massacre and babies? I must have looked amusing because he broke out into laughter.

“I just need one thing from you.”

I waited to hear what it was he wanted. “I need you to track down your brother’s pack- or what’s left of it.”

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