Deleted Chapters: Pain V. Leaf

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Metal Lee is beating down on Pain until, he suddenly stops.

Metal lee turns out of his sixth gate and falls to the ground. Pain gets up and wipes the dust off him.

"Couldn't take all that power..." Pain explained.

Metal Lee can't move, He looks lifeless but, his heart is still beating.

Pain pulls out a black receiver and is about to stab Metal lee to the heart but, is blown back by Mirai Sarutobi.

"Hmm...Your the daughter of one of my members killed" Pain said.

"Yeah but, I came with vengeance...not for my father but, FOR THE LEAF!!!" Mirai yelled.

All of sudden, Sakura appears then, Rock Lee, Ino, Choji, Sai, Kakashi, Kiba, and the rest of the leaf surround Pain.

"Karma is a bitch." Sakura said proudly.

"I would have join the war...but, get revenge for you killing me is much better" Kakashi said summoning his sharingan.

"You hurt my Son, GET READY!!!" Rock lee said with youth flowing through his body

"...ALMIGHTY PUSH!!!!" Pain yelled forming a massive Almighty push.

The massive Almighty push demolishes Everything and pushes back Everything.

Pain falls to the ground as he is out of Charka.

Out of Nowhere, Pain is stabbed with a Kunai by Mirai.

Sakura then, comes uppercuts Pain to the air.

Pain notices, he is in the air and sees a purple light and notice that its Kakashi using Purple lighting.

Kakashi slices Pain in mid air with Purple lighting and Pain explodes with purple explosion happening.

The leaf has defeated Pain.

Sakura aids Metal lee while, Inojin contacts the other teams.

"Kagura, we defeated pain" Inojin said.

"Good for you...Shizuma and his swordsman are attacking the mist" Kagura said.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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