Mitsuki Vs Boruto/Changing the Future!

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Mitsuki and Boruto are at Lighting Burger and talking about defeating Kawaki.

"So, How about we trap him?" Said Boruto.

"He's a very intelligent and strong ninja, I pretty sure that he would trap us." Said Mitsuki.

"Your answers are very smartly" said Boruto.

"You could have said "smart"  Boruto said Mitsuki.

Then, the news on TV talks about an Island explosion and one survivor.

"I know that Island." Said Mitsuki.

The survivor talks about a guy with an tattoo and Shizuma attack the Anbu and their were two dead bodies in the a lab. He describe one body as Orochimaru.

Mitsuki is in shock and runs somewhere.

"Oh, no." Said Boruto.

Boruto had went to Future Boruto and saw him sharpening his sword.

"Hey, I think Orochimaru died" said Boruto.

"I am pretty sure, you had a bad dream." Said Future Boruto.

"No, it said on the news that Kawaki attack a island with Orochimaru on it." Said Boruto.

Future Boruto stops Sharpening his sword and thinks.

"Orochimaru had secrets...banned justus he know, Kawaki must have kill him for a justu." Said Future Boruto.

"Well, I can't tell if, Mitsuki is sad or whatever but, he ran" said Boruto.

"You really are a idiot, his...father just died and you can't tell if he is sad. Sometimes, I wander why Sarada dated me" said Future Boruto.

"SHUT UP! I am so sick and tired of people being smarter then me." Said Boruto.

"Well, I am from the future soo...." said Future Boruto.

Boruto gets a idea.

"Tell, what's gonna happen next" said Boruto.

"What?!" Said Future Boruto.

"Dude, I just thought that...I am changing the future." Said Boruto.

"..." muttered Future Boruto.

"Bro, In your timeline when, you was me, you never had to face Kawaki or Orochimaru not dying." Said Boruto.

"My brain and eye hurts" said Future Boruto.

"Just activate the special eye" said Boruto.

Without question, Future Boruto activates the eye and sees his new past.

"Bruh...." said Future Boruto.

Future Boruto starts to have a seizure and starts to disappear from existence.

"NO!" yelled Boruto.

Sarada came in the cabin and got shocked.

"STAY HERE, I GOT TO GET MITSUKI!" said Boruto rushing out.

Sarada sits next to Future Boruto holding his hand.

It is thunderstroming and Boruto catches up to Mitsuki.

"Boruto get away." Said Mitsuki.

"Bro, stop...Future me is dying." Said Boruto.


Thunder is heard.

"So, YOUR GOING AFTER KAWAKI?!" Yelled Boruto.

"I get revenge." Said Mitsuki.

"Bro, Kawaki is dangerous and could kill, just come back." Said Boruto.


Boruto summons two shadow clones.

"Don't do this...." said Boruto.

"This was bound to happen." Said Mitsuki.

Mitsuki goes in his sage mode and quickly destroys the clones.

Boruto turns around but, Mitsuki punches him to a tree.

"You can never defeat me" said Mitsuki.

Without hesitating, Boruto throws a kunai at Misuki but, he catches it.

"Boom." Said Boruto.

The kunai explodes in Mitsuki face but, not enough to scratch him.

Boruto then loads up his Shinobi gauntlet and uses purple lighting on Mitsuki, knocking through some trees.

Mitsuki gets mad and uses Snake lighting on Boruto.

Boruto then uses bullet blaze to clash with snake lighting.

The two moves clash but, the shinobi gauntlet starts to malfunction and it stops bullet blaze and  Boruto gets hit with snake lighting.

Smoke in the air. Mitsuki walks up and picks up Boruto's broken shinobi Gauntlet.

"I...I will never give up" said Boruto.

Boruto with his jacket torn and blood on his hand uses Rasengan.

Mitsuki stretches his hand and grabs Boruto before he can use it and throws him to the ground hard.

Boruto now has a black eye.

Boruto swings at Mitsuki but, Mitsuki dodges and hits him in the gut knocking him back.

"Give up." Said Mitsuki.

"I...I never...give up on family." Said Boruto.

Mitsuki then, knocks out Boruto with a clean right hook.

"Thank you, for being a true friend" said Mitsuki leaving Boruto on the ground knock out.

Future Boruto is about to disappear but, it stops, his seizure and him disappearing.

"Oh my god, your ok!" Said Sarada.

Sarada hugs Future Boruto.

"Mitsuki...he left." Said Future Boruto.

Sarada then, realized what Future Boruto said and starts to cry.

Future Boruto comforts her.

"Mitsuki was are family...I just didn't want are bond to break like Naruto and Sasuke." Said Sarada.

"Your bond with Mitsuki didn't break Sarada. Him and Boruto bond is barley holding on." Said Future Boruto.

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