Boruto and Yurui/ Greatest Duo!

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Future Boruto and Boruto think of a solution to take down Kawaki.

"The Kages should already be involved with Kawaki so, war is coming." Said Future Boruto.

"True, how about we...gather our own army." Said Boruto.

"How? Kawaki is way stronger than Sarada, Mitsuki and etc." Said Future Boruto.

"But, together we our stronger and we got some friends in different that our not in Konoha" said Boruto.

"Kagura, Yurui, and Shinki." Said Future Boruto.

"Yeah, Sarada can Kagura, Mitsuki can get Shinki and I will get Yurui." Saod Boruto.

Future Boruto agrees and he sets off to find Kawaki.

Boruto heads home to get ready to travel to the hidden cloud village.

Boruto says Goodbye to his mom and sister and meets up with Sarada and Mitsuki.

"You guys, know what to do?" Said Boruto.

"Yeah, How did you become friends with Yurui." Said Sarada.

"We connected that my dad and killer B have a history and that I beat him." Said Boruto.

"You do have weird way of making friends." Said Mitsuki.

Boruto, Mitsuki and Sarada set off to get the people that could help them defeat Kawaki.

Boruto has made it to The Hidden Cloud Village and meets Yurui.

"Uzumaki, what you doing here?" said Yurui.

"The guy who, attacked Darui is starting a war...I need your help to stop him." Said Boruto

"Well, I have nothing to do so...yeah" said Yurui.

Boruto smiles and they get ready to go back to hidden leaf but, Kawaki stops them.

"I Should have kill you when, I came here." Said Kawaki.

Without question, Yurui pulls put his two Supervibrato Lightning Release Swords and gets ready to slash Kawaki.

Kawaki just punches Yurui to the water.

Boruto then summons a shadow clone to fight with him.

Boruto and the shadow clone charge at Kawaki but, Kawaki punches both of them and sends Boruto flying then, the shadow clone disappears.

Kawaki gets ready to kill Boruto but, Boruto curse mark activates and does a shock wave.

"Your curse mark...You be ready soon" said Kawaki.

Kawaki disappears and Boruto curse mark deactivates.

Yurui comes back and helps Boruto get up

"Uzumaki, you good?" Said Yurui.

"Yeah...we have to get the hidden leaf." Said Boruto

Boruto and Yurui set off to the hidden leaf.

Authors Note:

Boruto: dark wars will have a mini arc about Kawaki gathering the villains then, after that the war will happen.

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