Chapter 15

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This chapter takes place about a few days before we last saw the Happy Hungry Bunch at the camp.


"Your highness the guests have arrived, and dinner is ready to be served." A servant girl bows and leaves the elaborately decorated palace room. Queen Kouren sets down her sword she'd been sharpening, and goes to the dining hall.

"Your highness we've been awaiting you." Yotaka welcomes Kouren to the dining hall. Princess Tao, Vold, and Algira, stand up from their chairs until she takes her seat at the head of the table.

A thick silence fills the room as servants bring food to the table.

"Sister, may I ask why you've gathered us?" Princess Tao asks.

"Everyone who is not seated at this table must leave." Kouren firmly demands.

The servants bring the last of the food and leave. Shutting all the doors behind them.

"I'm sure you're all aware of what will soon come to fruition in Kouka kingdom. It's no secret that King Soo-won needs the death of Princess Yona if he is to stay on the throne." Kouren sips her tea.

"Yes, but he can't do anything to her. Yona-nyan has the dragons protecting her?" Algira questions.

"I've received a message from someone close to Yona. She and her friends are fleeing toward the wind tribe near our northern border as we speak. It would seem Soo-won has made his move." Kouren states.

Princess Tao gasps and looks to her sister. "We have to do something! We can't allow such a thing to happen! We owe our very lives to princess Yona!"

"Why have you sent the servants away your highness? What it is you've planned?" Vold asks.

"According to our treaty King Soo-won has control of our army. I can't send any of them to help her without risking an all out war again."

Everyone at the table looks to her wondering what she'll say.

"However, the members of the five stars are not a part of the Xing kingdom army. I can send them without risking war. This must not be spread around. There is still civil unrest in our kingdom. Our enemies are looking for any excuse to march on Kouka. We can't give it to them."

Yotaka stands, "I will follow any order you give me your highness."

Vold stands, "As will I."

Algira stands, "We must protect Yona-nyan!"

Kouren looks down, and let's out a small laugh. "I don't know what I would do without all of you. You're the people I trust most. The Xing kingdom is proud to have you. I ask that you go to the wind tribe, and help protect Yona. Don't attack any of Soo-wons men unless it's true he is after her life. Make sure you're unseen as you leave Xing. We can't risk the unrest getting worse."

"Sister I wish to go with them! I can represent Xing kingdom while I'm there." Tao requests.

"That's not a terrible idea..." Kouren puts her hand on her chin and thinks about her request.

"Alright. You must stay with Yotaka, Vold, and Algira though. They will protect you."

"Thank you! We will leave first thing tomorrow morning. If we ride quickly we should be there in time." Tao's determination spreading to the others.

"Alright then! Everyone eat to your fill, and prepare to once and for all defeat the son of that demon Yu-hon!" Kouren shouts.

Everyone raises their cups and drinks together.



"Are you all right your highness?" General Joo-doh asks.

"I'm fine, let's get back to it then." Soo-won states.

General Joo-doh looks across the table at advisor Kye-sook. The table is covered with a large map of Kouka and has pieces on it representing armies of men. He continues where he left off before Soo-won sneezed. "We need to march along this path here. It's the fastest route to Fuuga."

"Why do we not take this path closer to the mountains? Isn't that where the information broker said they'd be traveling?" Kye-sook asks.

"We can't go that way. Our carriages of supplies would never make it. There are too many deep rivers in that area that we'd have to cross." Joo-doh replies.




"Yes! Who is it?" Joo-doh shouts toward the large wooden doors. One begins to creek open and Min-Soo appears.

"Your highness I'm sorry for the intrusion, but I have urgent news!" Min-soo says and he makes his way over to Soo-won holding out a letter for him.

"What is it Min-soo?" Soo-won calmly asks.

"It's the water tribe your highness! General Joon-gi has already dispatched his men to Fuuga! They had already been gone for a day when your messenger arrived there!" Min-soo panics.

Shock is seen on everyone's faces at this news.

"He's a traitor! We shall have General Joon-gi arrested and he'll explain why he's done this!" Kye-sook angrily demands.

"What of General Geun-tae? Where are his men?" Soo-won asks.

"The messenger hasn't returned yet your highness." Min-soo answers.

"What? But the Earth tribe is closer than the water tribe." Joo-doh asks in confusion.

"Min-soo. You will go to General Geun-tae. Tell him The King is in need of his men. Go ready a horse. I'll have a letter drafted to take with you." Soo-won orders.

"Yes your highness." Min-soo bows and leaves, shutting the door behind him.

"Advisor, do you still have the spy placed within the ranks of the mercenaries?" Soo-won asks.

"Yes your highness." Kye-sook quickly answers.

"Alright then you shall send a messenger as well. Tell your spy the time for waiting has passed." Soo-wons face shows no emotion, but his curled fist reveals all. Kye-sook quickly leaves.


"General! There are guests here for you." Chul-rang, his advisor, states as he tries to wake the General.

"Who are they?" General Geun-tae asks as he gets out of bed. "Why have they come so late at night?"

"He says his name is Ogi sir. He has several men with him, and a girl named Lily of the water tribe. They claim it's urgent." Chul-rang answers.

Geun-tae's eyes widen and he crawls out of bed with a groan.



Heyyy :) <3

Stuff is starting to go down y'all! 😯

Aaaannnndddd WE REACHED OVER 2,000 VIEWSSS!! 😱

That's so crazy!! I tried to do a special update when it hit 2,000 but it happened so fast it's already at over 2,200 views now! I wanted to do a special lemony drawing or something to celebrate but it would definitely take a while for that to happen, and I didn't want to make y'all wait forever for a chapter again. Plus I'm still not super confident in my people drawing abilities 😅. But if y'all would like to see a lemony drawing of Hak and Yona to celebrate just let me know! I'll definitely try if it's something my readers would want 😊💘.

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