Chapter 13

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🍋 🚨 🍋 🚨 Lemon Alert 🍋 🚨🍋 🚨


Dusk is falling. Vivid colors trace the clouds as the sun creeps down below the horizon. A light cool breeze rustles through the leaves on the treetops. Small fox tracks traced in the mud on the path the group is following. Snow capped mountains in front of them. Mercenaries surely not too far behind them. The shivering dragons and their friends are nearing the base of the mountain closest to them.

"Hak are we almost there? It's getting colder by the minute." Yona asks with worried eyes.

"Yes, it should be right over here." He veers off from the group over toward a group of trees away from the path. Everyone looks over not really seeing anything that looks like caves over there.

"Are you sure it's this way? I don't see anything but trees and rock thunder beast." Jae-ha questions.

"That's the point droopy eyes." Hak starts pushing a tall rock to the side from against the mountain wall. Gradually revealing a small opening.

"Wow! It looks so small though? Can we all fit in there?" Yoon asks as he makes his way to the entrance.

"It looks small from here, but it's actually a maze of tunnels. It has openings further up the mountain where people don't really go. This was always a good hideout when gramps would take us hunting." Hak says as he gestures for Yona to go inside with the others following right behind.

They all make their way inside and start unpacking the blankets. Yona looks to everyone, "I'm going to go get firewood. All of you stay here and take off your clothes. If you don't you'll definitely get sick.". She quickly makes her way outside before anyone can object to her going alone. Everyone does as she instructed and trades their wet clothes for blankets while she was gone.

"Ah, it feels so much better without those drenched clothes on!" Zeno proclaims.

"I know, I look as marvelous without clothes as I do with them~" Jae-ha flirts naked in the middle of the cave.

"Put your blanket back on before the princess gets back you pervert!" Kija shouts with only his head visible from being balled up in his blanket.

"Yes, I feel much better." Shin-ah calmly states balled up like Kija, but his dragon eyes peering into everyone's souls. "Zeno loves your eyes Shin-ah!" Zeno cheerfully says as he sits next to him with the towel wrapped around his waist.

"Im going out to help the princess. All of you stay here." Hak states as he makes his way out of the dimly lit cave.


Ah-okay. I think I've got enough firewood now. I should head back before they start to worry. Yona struggles to hold the ridiculously large amount of wood she's gathered, drops a few sticks. Man! You can do this Yona. We need as much wood as possible so they don't get sick. J-just make it back to the cave! She stretches her head upwards to see over the massive stack and sees a dark figure standing before her. She starts to scream, and stumbles backward as her ankle hits a log. In what seems like a flash she feels large arms wrap around her holding her up. Panic starts to set in, then she hears, "We really need to work on your training. You're much too easy to sneak up on princess."

A deep breath escapes her as she relaxes knowing this familiar voice. "You are the dark dragon after all. I don't think anyone could sense you sneaking up on them Hak."

He helps her stand up and takes most of the wood from her. "Come, lets go back to the cave princess." He nods his head toward the cave wanting her to follow him. She stops and looks at him. The sun is almost gone. A sliver of daylight remains. Just enough for her to see his top half completely exposed. A small blanket just tied at his waist. His rippling muscles beckoning to her. She looks up and sees his chiseled face. Her blood moving faster through her, she moves closer to him. "Princess? Are you okay?" He asks wondering why she's just staring at him. She snaps back to reality and replies, "Yes! Sorry! L-let's go back.". They make their way back to the cave.

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