Chapter 5

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As Yona gently opens her eyes she sees a dimly lit ornate room with candles and the faint smell of flowers. It's a large room with a beautiful window showing a gorgeous mountain view. With the deep violet curtains gently blowing in the cool breeze lightly sweeping past them. Her eyes start to look around her more as they glide along the vivid burgundy walls with intricate moldings along the ceiling. As her eyes move to the end of their journey around the room she quickly looks down and sees Hak there. Laying on the bed sound asleep next to her. Shocked by this, yet very okay with it, she slowly creeps closer to him so she can get a better look at his rarely seen sleeping face. Suddenly feeling light tingles of warmth moving through her body at the realization that he's not wearing any clothing. A mischievous smile creeping onto her face at the discovery. She stops and thinks for a second. Looking down she quickly realizes she's not clothed either! Shocked, she covers up with the blanket as fast as she can. How did this happen? Wait... where are they?? And why are they both naked in bed together? As questions start filling her mind she quickly snaps out of it when Hak's hand glides up her waist inching closer and closer to her breast underneath the blanket they're now sharing. Her eyes meeting his gaze. There's something different about him. His eyes are filled with fire. Something burning within. He looks like a vicious predator about to devour the prey he's just caught.

"Hak what's going on?" She asks.

"Princess, I've finally got my chance. I'm going to show you exactly what I've kept pent up inside for all of these years." He breathes seductively into her ear.

Yona takes in a sharp breath imagining what he means. The blood starting to rush to her face and lower abdomen.

"Now that I can call you my wife, I don't have to hold anything back." He says as he begins to kiss her passionately. His tongue finding its way between her passage-granting lips. A light moan escaping her mouth as his hand starts massaging her breast. The other hand creeping down towards her thigh. Her heart starts racing faster and faster. He starts leaving a trail of kisses down her until he reaches her nipple. He squeezes her breast and starts gently licking circles around her hard nipple. Moving his hand closer and closer up her thigh where the candle light glistens off her wetness for him. He simultaneously starts sucking on her nipple and playing with her oh-so-sensitive spot forcing her to,

"Haa Ha-Hak!" Moan his name as she tangles her fingers in his pitch black hair.

He increases the speed of the circles he's tracing around her clit as he moves his head between her thighs. She lets out a deep breath as she goes to stop him, but her arms suddenly disagree with her mind. They go weak instead of stopping him. She feels his warm tongue start to make its way between her wet lower lips. Moving in circles, flicks, and perfect strokes. Her breathing quickens, deepens, STOPS as she feels a finger teasing at her entrance. Mid-gasp she looks down and sees his sky blue eyes watching her reactions as his tongue continues it's movements. He slowly inches his finger inside finding that certain spongy spot deep within. He curls his finger and rubs it in a way that makes her heart feel like it's going to erupt from her chest. Her moaning no longer quiet she pulls his hair moving her waist up and down on his mouth and hand, filling her with a sensation she's not used to. Her head clouding with pleasure she bites her lower lip feeling it slowly intensify. He moves his finger faster, his tongue in just the right way. She's his that's it, she only wants him. Just like that, to keep going, keep going

"K-eep... going—- aahh d-ont stop PLEEAASEE!!" she moans as she arches her back in pure ecstasy rushing from her head to her toes completely enveloping her. Her inner walls spasming around his finger as she holds his head in place against her.

"HAAAKKK!" She yells in that oh-so-gratifying spine-tingling moment of release.

Suddenly the air feels cooler. Her body filled with heat. She slowly opens her eyes and sees a very red-faced Hak standing above her in the tent. A Yoon that's even more red-faced sitting next to her, and a green dragon that's covering his mouth and looking at the thunder beast from the tent opening.

"Is she okay, what happened?" Kija calls as his footsteps get closer to the tent entrance.

"She's fine, just a dream. Please help Yoon with breakfast he was just heading out there." Jae-ha says to Kija from the entrance of the tent.

"Oh— yes! I'll uh go make breakfast!" Yoon stammers to get out as he makes his way out of the tent. "Glad you're okay Yona!" He quickly says as he exits.

"I'll go help him with breakfast as well. Hak, I think you can handle this right?" The green dragon says with an evil look in his eye and a smirk as he makes his way out of the tent.

"Hak, what's going on?" Yona asks sitting up from bed and rubbing her eyes.

"Uh. Were you having a bad dream princess?" He says with a wavering tone.

Her memory quickly flashing past her eyes of exactly what type of dream it was that she just had. "Oh, n-no. Why do you ask?" She quickly says.

"Well you were..." he scratches the back of his head with his blush still going strong. "Moaning loudly so I came to check on you and you were moving a lot and then you... uh shouted my name very loudly..."

Her face is now redder than ever as her embarrassment reaches its peak.

"Oh, I'm... sorry" she barely manages to speak.

"Why were you calling for me in your sleep princess?" He asks wonder filling his mind at what her answer may be.

Her eyes go wide and her mind starts to race to think of a good explanation when she blurts out, "it was you who made me!" She quickly cuts herself off realizing that didn't come out at all like she thought it would.

"I made you... what princess?"
"Scream my name?" He asks with curiosity and then he realizes what he's just said —- and what that means. He feels a sudden rise in his pants as he starts to wonder what exactly he was doing in her dream. Then it hits him. The princess was dreaming of... HIM?! And of all things?! She?!

"Y-yes. I think it was because of last night. In the woods..." she says in a low tone trying to explain herself.

He can't even speak he's wracking his mind as to how this can be true? The woman he's always known could never be his. The woman he's had an unrequited love for not only confessed to him the night before, but... is also... dreaming of him in such a way?! He falls to his knees. Entire armies can't make this man falter. Can't even make him flinch. Yet this one crimson haired woman can bring him to his knees without even touching him.

"Hak are you okay? I'm sorry! Did I upset you? I wasn't trying to I just" she says as she hurriedly makes her way over to him and then trips on her nightgown almost face-planting the ground. However, Hak caught her just before she would've hit the ground. She looks up toward him with her violet eyes wanting so badly to know what's going on in his head at this moment.

"Princess, please. Never apologize for anything like that again! I'm not upset! I'm- very happy!" He says in a serious tone as his beaming blue eyes meet hers in a trance-like gaze as he lifts her back up.

*fans off face*
That got pretty spicy there lol. Hope you liked it! More to come soon 😁💘

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