Chapter 7

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"Ah! There are bugs everywhere in this village!" Kija shouts as he swats his dragon hand in the air.

"Hey watch out where you swing that thing!" Yoon yells at Kija as he dodges the white dragon's swatting hand.

"Oh look! I't's been so long since I've been to a festival!" Yona excitedly says with sparkles in her eyes.

Hak follows behind Yona. They're at the back of the group.

"Hak can you tell what the festival is for?" Yona asks cheerfully.

"I'm not sure princess. We can ask someone if you like." Hak replies and scans the area. "Here there was something I had to get while we were here anyway." He says as he gestures for her to go with him. She happily follows.

"Hey where are you guys going?" Yoon asks Hak and Yona as they walk away.

"We won't be long. I have to stop by a shop while we're here." Hak replies while he continued walking. He and Yona were almost out of sight already. The sun had just set and the festival lights were mainly around the shops. They figured coming to the town right at sunset would be best because they wouldn't stand out as much.

Hak looked down at Yona's face. She looked so happy and it warmed his heart. He noticed she was staring rather intently at one spot, and looked over to see what it was.

"Princess do you want to go in?" Hak genuinely asks referring to what she'd been looking at so intently.

Yona wasn't expecting this and replied, "what? Oh! No... I -I couldn't." Her head lowers a bit as she's speaking.

"Princess don't be worried. It's just a tavern." She looks up at him obviously wanting more reassurance. "Come. Let's go in." A smile quickly forming on her face as she hears his request.

"Fine, if you insist Hak!" She giggles as she grabs his hand to bring him inside with her. 

(A/N: A tavern is usually a bar with a relaxed environment and food. 🍻🍜)


"Zeno loves festivals!" Zeno cheers as he throws his arms into the air.

"Yes, it's been quite some time since I've been to one.  Awa stopped having festivals because of Kunji and his men. I can only imagine the grand festivals they must be having now that he's gone." Jae-ha says with a relieved look.

"Yes, there sure was quite the celebration after we defeated him and his men." Shin-ah replies in a low tone.

"Yes, it was a great celebration!" Kija said as he remembered back so early in their journey together.

"I know! I was left taking care of all you drunkards!" Yoon retorts with an annoyed look.

"Now now, calm down. What do you say we go find those medicinal herbs and supplies we came here after?" Jae-ha said as he tried to change the subject.

"Yes, lets go." Yoon replied.


"What'll ya have?" The barkeep asks Looking at Yona. He was a middle aged man with dark brown hair wearing a long brown apron. The smell of food and sound of celebration filling the air.

"We'll both just have the house sake please." Hak replies to the man.

Yona looks up at him with thanks. She had never been allowed in a place like this before, and didn't know what to order. "Hak do they sell food here?" Yona quietly asks.

"Yes, why? Are you hungry?" He asks.

*grumble ~~~~* her stomach replies on it's own with a grumble. Her eyes go wide and her cheeks a light flush she replies, "Yes."

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