Chapter twelve

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I organized everything In the living room and my bedroom so we all could  have  more space.

I went to the kitchen taking a new bowl of chips. I was humming quietly, making some drinks for all of us, when I hear someone heading towards me. I look with my corner of my eye and continue working.
- Sup Ky. - I say nicely. - You need anything? - I ask.

I felt a little uncomfortable around him. Since you know, I got a crush on him and stuff. But more importantly, I got pretty upset, that he doesn't see me as anything more than a friend. Even better, he treats me like a male friend or a sibling.

I sighed a little.
- Hi, I just wanted to talk with you a little. Just you and me. - he said leaning on the counter.
- Why? We hang out almost every day' - I say curiously as I make hot chocolate. I looked at Kyle and his green eyes. He was playing with the necklace I gave him. I got distracted and burnt myself with boiling water.
- Ouch!- I hissed grabbing my hurt finger.
- Are you okay? Come on, let me see. - Kyle says with worry in his voice. I showed him the burnt finger. It hurt like hell, and I just embarrassed myslef in front of my friend by my clumsiness. Just fucking perfect.
- It looks pretty bad.. Come with me. We need to cool it off. - He said, pulling me lightly to the bathroom.

I sat on the washing machine, while my friend was locking for the aid kit.
I waited, waiving my legs in the air a little, until he found the thing.
He stood up in front of me.
- Alright, let me see it again. - He said. I showed the finger and he put on it a cold wet towel, while he opened the aid kit.

He was standing so close to me. I thought I faint, I was literally facing his chest. I was starring, when he grabbed my burnt hand and took a small bandage.
- You need to be more careful next time. Promise me okay? - He looked me straight into the eyes. I blushed slightly. He was so close to my face. We started at each other for a really short while. We both blushed, I'm guessing. I looked away immediately. Well this is awkward. Kyle clears his troat.
- [Y/N], I- - He got interrupted by someone knocking the door. Oh thanks god. I thouth I would die here.
- I-I'll go get it! - I say nervously, jumping off the washing machine.

I answer the door. I saw Wendy smiling at me nicely.
- Hi Wendy! Come in. - I greeted her, and let her in.
- Hey everyone! Huh, It's been a while since I was in your house. - She said, looking around.
- I know, sorry. I should have invited you in, more often. - I scratched my neck.
- It's okay! So, what are the plans? - She asks excited.
We all shrug.
- Just chilling, I guess. - I say, as I jump in the couch.  Wendy sat next to Stan, and he kissed her as hello. They are so adorable together. It's a little upsetting that I can't have something like this though. I sighed, leaning on the couch. Kyle sat next to me and we all started to watch TV. Again.

I was switching through channels, when Wendy shouted.
- Wait, wait! Switch back! They're transmitting AgT (America's got Talent)! - She loves this program, a lot of people are a really good singers.
- Oh yeah, alright. - I admit, I like it a lot too.

Some girl was singing my favorite song, (you can use any song you want, idc) so I started singing too. Then, Wendy and Kenny joined in. We all ended up dancing and singing to the song, except Cartman. He hates that song.
But of course, someone actually stuck out their leg, and I tripped. I was ready to hit my face but someone caught me. I looked up to face Kyle. Again.
- I told you to be more careful. - He chuckled. I laughed too. He was holding my waist, like in those Indian Rom-Coms. Well, cool.
Except for that my face was legitimately burning. I tried to look calm.
- W-well, I guess I'm getting distracted easily. - I laughed, stuttering.
- Yeah, we noticed. - Kenny muffled. I looked at the rest and they were smirking. Wendy looked proud.
I realized Kyle was still holding me by the waist.
- K-Kyle. - I said shyly.
- What's up? - He smiled at me.
- You're still holding me- -I said quickly. He looked like he just realized it too.
- Sorry! -He shouted, letting me go. I stood up straight.
Well, this is awkward.
- Ooookay. What time is it? - Stan broke the silence.
- Huh? It's almost midnight. - Wendy said, looking at her phone.
- Already?? Guys, we better go to sleep. - I said surprised.

We all, one by one were getting ready to sleep. Me and Wendy shared the bathroom, so we could hurry.
I was brushing my teeth when my girl friend spoke.
- Hey, [Y/N]. - She looked at me.
- Yeaph? - I say with water in my mouth.
- What do you think of Kyle? - She asked quietly, because my room was in the other side of the wall.
- Wbhy do yhou asg? He'sh my fbriemd. - I say, mumbling.
- Yeah, but.. You like him right? Like, as in romantically. - She said, pretty sure of her words. I opened my eyes wide, and spat out the water I had in my mouth.
- Shut up! You're too loud! - I scream-whisper to her, blushing violently.
- So you do! - she whispers as well.
- Yes! Yes, I do. But pleasee don't tell
   a n y o n e! - I shout-whispering.
- Okay, okay I won't. But only to Sta- - I interrupted.
- I told him already. He was the first one I told about it. - I brushed my hair. She sighed.
- But. - I pointed in her direction. - Don't you EVER let it slip out. What if Bebe will know? She will kill me for sure. - I paniced a little.
- Who are you taking me for? I won't tell. I promise. - She smiled, and gave me a hug. - Besides. I think you two would look adorable together! - She added.

Oh boy that's still a long one.
I'm at the school dance right now, and I don't have anything to do. So I will post another chapter too.

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