Chapter one

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Soo, hi. This is my first fanfiction i wrote since I was maybe 11. So I'm sorry that it's so crappy ;;
Before we start, a little explenation:
[Y/N] - Your name
[Y/h/c] - your hair color
[Y/e/c] - your eye color
[Y/f/c] - your favorite color
Let's start with the story!

My name is [Y/N]. I've lived in South Park since I was little. Today is first day of me as a 10th grader (I suppose it's 16 y/o).

I was laying on my comfy bed with head buried under some pillows. And of course, I hear the demonic sound of my alarm. I look at the time.
*it's 6 AM* I think. I am not that kind of a person, who is always late, so I stood up, stretched a little and went to the bathroom. Like, 15 minutes later I was looking for what to wear. I finally choose black leggins, [y/f/c] sweater and brown boots. I finished the look by tying my [y/h/c] hair up into a ponytail. When I thought I looked fine. I got downstairs to welcome my parents. These people are a perfect couple. Always so cheerful.
- Hello sweetheart, you slept well?- my mom asked with a smile.
-Are you exited for your first day as a 10th grader?- My dad asked also with a nice look of his face.
- Hi mom, hi dad. Yeah, I'm pretty excited. I haven't seen the guys for two months! I can't wait to see them again!- I said happily.
My parents smiled and gave me breakfast. When I finished, I grabbed my bag said goodbye and went to the bus stop. Being there I happily greeted my group of friends.
The Stan's Gang!
- Hey, [y/n]! It's good to see you! - Stan yelled. I gave him a high five.
- You're late! You've got beat up on the way here on the face? You look worse than usual - The fat boy tried to diss me.
- Good to see you too, Cartman. - I hissed jokingly. Kenny greeted me with a wave. His parka was covering half of his face, but I could see the smile anyway.
We waited on the bus stop, but something was wrong.
-Hey guys.. Where's Kyle?- I turned to them.
- Probably doing some Jew rituals. - Cartman laughed.
Then I felt some one grab me into a big hug. I laughed.
- Kyle, put me down!- We giggled.
I could recognize these curls everywhere.

Kyle Broflovski.
My best friend of my whole life. We were inseparable. I first met the gang when Butters invited me to play 'The Stick of Truth' with them. Me and Kyle didn't really talk back then. But somehow we found out we liked lots of same things.
- Heey, [y/n]! I've missed that stupid face of yours! - He teased me while patting my head. He was way taller than me, so it was quite fun.
- And i've missed that giraffe as well- I teased back.
We all talked for awhile until the bus came. Kyle sat with Stan, and I sat behind them. Eric and Kenny sat next to my seat. School was pretty chill, since the first two weeks we only have basic information about safety and shit (Idk if that system is in US but).

As usual all of us, including Butters, sat at our table. We started talking about how our vacations went.
- My mom bought me shitloads of new viedeo games!- Cartman started to brag.
- We should paly together sometime! - Stan suggested.
-Hell yeah, I'm gonna beat yall's asses!- I yelled confident.
-Oh yeah, we will see about that!- Kyle said with a mocking smile.
I kicked him lightly and laughed.
And then I realise that the girls in the other table were starring at me. Well, that's uncomfortable. I shivered.
- What's wrong?- The green-eyed boy asked.
-It's nothing. The girls are probably just planning how to fuck me up.- I laughed. - It doesn't bother me.-
He just smiled and got back to the talking with others.

The lunch time ended, and we got to our classes. Unfortunately, we all had different classes, except me and Stan. We both had math right now.
I hate math, I am not that good at it either. Instead of listening to the teacher I was just doodling some shit on a spare paper.

The school ended for today. I waited next to my locker for Kyle. The rest got home earlier, because they had one hour less then me and Kyle. So we figured we could go home together. We didn't have far either. The Red-Head finally came up to me.
-Took you long.- I teased.
-Sorry.- He laughed. - You ready to go?
I agreed.
It was chilling outside a little. But besides that, it's nice to finally meet up with them again.
Me and Kyle talked the whole way home about everything.

-Hey, [y/n]. Wanna go somewhere? We got some time until we head to Cartman's house.- He asked nicely.
- Sure!- I smiled and walked a little faster to the park.
When we were there, we sat on one of the benches. I enjoyed the nice weather until I got hit with a snowball. I was confused until I saw the smug on Kyle's face.
- Oh, you wanna play it that way? It's a war then!- I smilled and threw a snowball on him. Then the battle started. We probably looked like kids, but it was fun.

'Fucking Friendzone' [ South Park- Kyle X Reader]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora