Chapter eight

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Yesterday I got friendzoned. By my crush. Who's actually my friend but I realized I like him like, four days ago.
I mean, that's ok right? He doesn't need to know. Yeah, it's alright. Nothing happened.

I say that to myself while crying and eating chocolate. It's Saturday, I'm allowed to eat candy. And also cry my agony out.

I wanted to call Stan or Kenny, but it's 10 AM. I bet they're asleep or something. They were on a party yesterday, so I bet they're not in the best condition right now. I actually don't know what to do this weekend. I don't feel like hanging out with Kyle after this.

I put down the candy and stoop up from the bed. I guess a little walk won't hurt. I looked out from the window. It started snowing. It was really pretty out. I put on some warn clothes and walked out of my house.
- Maybe I'll go to Tweek Bros. I really need some coffee right now.- I murmured to myself and headed there.

It's not so far so it took me maybe 15 minutes. I walked in. The first person I saw was the blonde twitchy boy. I greeted him with a smile. We talk sometimes at school. Also I have a lot of school projects with his boyfriend - Craig. So we hang out sometimes all three. I even had to go with them to school concealer because they had a relationship fight.

- Hi Tweek! What's up? - I ask sitting next to the bartender's desk.
He smiled to me.
- H-hi [Y/n]! It's good, I guess. Yesterday me and Craig went to that Bebe's party. Of course, w-we exited it like, an hour later. It was a-awful. - He complained. I giggled. - What s-should I get you? - He asked finally.
- Just medium cappuccino. Thanks- He nodded and started making my order.
- Say.. why the Bebe's party was so awful? - I asked curiously.
- Oh y-you know, it was just a t-typical teenage party. Everyone was already wasted when we arrived!Unbelievable. - He said. I guess I was right about it anyway huh.
- That's pretty fucked up. Then, why did you guys go anyway?- I asked.
- Oh trust me! I didn't want to go. But obviously, Clyde would complain if we wouldn't go. I would way better rather to go to Craig's house. Here's your order! - He put my coffee on the counter.
- Thanks! - I took a sip.

- By the way. I didn't see you nor Kyle there. Where have you guys been? - He leaned to the counter. He didn't have much customers so it was pretty chill. Also I really that his stuttering is getting better and better. I'm happy for him to be honest.
- Ah, yeaah.. I didn't want to go so he didn't go either. We hung out at my house. Weren't doing much, just watching movies. - I laughed nervously.
- Alright! I'm going to continue working. You can stay here as much as you want. Also, Craig is coming for me soon so I'll need to close the coffee shop a little earlier. - He informed me.
- Okay, thanks for saying. - I thanked and drank my coffee.

I was looking at my phone, when I heard the bell of someone coming in.
It's probably a random customer, I thought. I continued scrolling through Twitter when I felt someone's hands on my cheeks. I shivered.
- Guess who?- The person whispered.
I sighed blushing.
- Kyle, come on. We're not 10 anymore. - I laughed. I took his hands of my cheeks and turned around. I saw his cute smile and green eyes. I blushed more.

- I didn't expect you to be here. - He said smiling.
- Yeah, well I thought I could take a walk and- - I looked at his neck.
- Hey, you're wearing it! I thought you wouldn't because ''It's way too girl-like looking.'' - I mocked him. - But I'm glad.- I showed a wide smile.
- You kidding? I would never leave any of your gifts, you dummy. - He ruffled my hair.

We stayed a little longer, talking. I ordered like, three more drinks. Tweek would only look at me with a 'I know everything' type of look.

Finally, Craig came for his boyfriend and all of us had to get out of coffee shop. The couple went one way and we headed the other.
-Sooo, why didn't you text me this morning? You always do that so I thought something happened.- Kyle asked finally. I looked at him confused and laughed.
- Nothing happened silly! I just didn't feel like bothering you today. I bet you're tired of me already. - We both sat on the bench. I started playing with the chain on Kyle's neck.
- Tired of you? Never. - He laughed.
- Soo, any plans for the weekend?- He asked then.
- Nope. Nothing is coming to my mind. I was going to stay in my room for the whole time.-
- Yeah, would do that too. - He shrugged.

We talked a little more, when my someone called me. I looked at the unknown number confused. I took the call.
- Hello? - I said with hesitation.
- Hi [Y/n]! It's Bebe~ - I shivered and switched it on speaker. I whispered to Kyle who was calling. He sighed.
- Uhh, hi Bebe. How did you get my number? - I asked.

- Oh, I took it from Haidi. Say, is Kyle with you? I couldn't get his number from anyone! Such a shame~ - She said with a sad tone. I looked at Kyle. He signaled to me. I gotchu dude.
- No, he's not here. What do you want from him? - I said. Of course I wouldn't say that he's with me.
- Oh that's so unfortunate~ Can you tell him that I called? Tell him that I want to meet him today~ - She said. God that girl's annoying.
- Why do you want meet him? - I ask a little angry.
- Personal stuff! Just tell him that okay darling? Bye bye for now! Save my number~ - She hung up. Me and Kyle were sitting there confused.

- So.. you're gonna meet her? - I asked finally.
- Of course I won't! Why would I ? She would probably rape me or something. - He complained. He thought for a second. - But I don't want her to involve you into this nonsense. I actually need to talk to her to at least leave you alone. - He scratched his neck. - So I guess I don't have a choice but to meet her huh?
- I guess, it's not the end of the world, right? - I tried to cheer him up a little.
- Alright. Ask her for the place of the meeting. - He sighed. I texted her, and she answered right away.
- She wants you to be in the back of the school yard in 30 minutes. - I say showing the message.

'Fucking Friendzone' [ South Park- Kyle X Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora