Chapter three

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Two weeks passed and I still don't know what the fuck is going on.

I was sitting next to my desk. It was the last class I had today. Sadly, I can't go with Kyle, because he had two more.

I was starring there, blankly when my teacher announced:
- Tomorrow, there is going to be an art competition. You can choose the format of your project, the partners and other shit. The most important thing is that, it needs to be art. - She finished. I thought for a second, and got an idea.

I got home and immediately texted Kyle.
(U- [y/n], Ky- Kyle obv)

U- DUDE!! Come to my house RN

Ky- What for? I was gonna play Fortnite w/ the guys

U- But!!! I need u!!!
U- I need you to help meh with a contest that I signed up for! Can you come?? Plzzz

Ky- ...
Ky- Fine. I'll be there in 5 min.

I happily organized the supplies for the project until Kyle knocked on the door. We both got to my room.
he sighed.
- Ok, so what contest is it? Math, Literature, Chemis- -
- Take of your jacket - I say without any expression.
- W-what? What for??- He got nervous. It was cute though.
I pointed on the bodypaints and brushes.
- It's painting time~ - I say happily.
- Bodypainting to be exact. And I want you to be my canvas for the project- I explained.- He sighed his nerves out.
- Ok.. and THAT is why you wanted me to come here??-
- Just sit your ass down already.- I say with impatience while taking one of the brushes.

He sat next to me, taking off his jacket and leaving himself in undershirt. Cool, at least it's gonna be easier to paint on the collarbone.
- You have to take of your hat too, you know? - I smiled, Kyle only whined.
He took off his green hat, showing those cute red curls. I put the hat on my head.Kyle laughed a little.
- What? - I asked with a innocent tone.
- Nothing, just can't decade if you look cute or silly. - That weird feeling came back. I just ignored it this time.
- Oh yeah? Well, you look both!- We laughed.

I finally started painting. Firstly, I carefully painted some flowers on his wrists, but a while after I had a little too much fun. I painted some white dandelions on Kyle's cheeks, and sunflowers on the upper chest and the collarbone. I did some random plants on shoulders too.

- I'm done!- I yelled proud of my art.
- Woah [Y/n], your skills actually improved by those two months- He said impressed.
- Why are you so surprised?! -  I screamed offended, hitting him carefully to not smear the paint.
- I'm joking, i'm joking! - He laughed.
- Alright, you are forgiven. But NOW let's see the best part! - I stoop up and turned the lights off. Kyle had little accents of green and blue UV paint.
- Now you are a shining bouquet of flowers in human form! - I smiled.
-It's really beautiful!- He says with excitement- But I'm nervous that I'm going to ruin it by night. - He was still starring at the flowers.
- Don't worry, it's body paint! It won't come off without oil.- Ky exhaled with relief.

- Okay then. You said the competition is tomorrow? - I agreed.
- You just need to be carefull until tomorrow. We can then, wash it off when the competition is over. - I said.
- But what if I don't want to? - He said quietly. I looked at him confused.
- What do you mean? We can do it again sometime too silly! - I laughed and took of his hat out of my head.

- Oh yeah, and one more thing! Could you please go to school without your hat? Your hair really matches the painting! - I say with stars in my eyes.
He starred at me for a while.
- I am SO going to regret this, but FINE.- He said scratching his neck.
I jumped happily and put Kyle's hat on his head covering the eyes accidentally. He laughed quietly and patted my head.

- Ok, now get out of here, ya bastard - I say with weird voice. The boy took his jacket and we both headed to my front door.

- See you tomorrow Ky! - I say waiting for a bye-bye hug. But instead he kissed lightly my nose and grinned.
- See you tommorow [y/n/n] (your nickname). - The dandelions on his cheeks made his smile even cuter. I felt like my face heated up.
When he got to his house I headed upstairs, still a little embarrassed.

He did it only as a joke right?
It has to be.

I cleaned up the supplies and other stuff, and tried to fall asleep.

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