Liars to Lovers pt.2

Start from the beginning

"I'm very honored," He said with a posh accent, "but do you?" 

Steve blushed.

"No. No offense though," Steve lied. 

"So why do you need me for this?" Busky asked trying to ignore the fact that he just got friend-zoned by the Captain America. 

"Because in a state of fear, I sort of... kind of, may be said that you were my boyfriend. And maybe because of that you kind of have to come to lunch next Sunday," Steve mumbled taking a drink of his tea.


"That's all you have to say!?" Steve exclaimed

"I'm thinking. Let me process this," He replied.

He was unsure of what to do. Should he go along with it? He was kind of interested in this was going to work.

Steve gave him some time to think.

"So will you do it?" Steve asked hopefully. 

Bucky's eyes met Steve's.  Could he really fake being in love with someone, when really not that long ago, he really was in love with him?

"Come to dinner Saturday night and we'll discuss how we're going to do this." Bucky finally replied.

~~~ This time skip is brought to you by... laziness and also having really no idea what to right. Also, I'm skipping to Saturday, just to like a few hours ahead to when Steve gets home. ~~~

Steve couldn't stop grinning by the time he got home. He had just been in Bucky's apartment. Bucky was always a good man. Plus he had the worlds comfiest clothes. Steve inhaled the scent of whatever Bucky's cologne was off of the shirt.

As he unlocked his door, he saw something he wasn't expecting. Wanda and Sam were sitting on the sofa. They looked at Steve with curious eyes.

"You weren't wearing that earlier," Natasha said, "and that is definitely not your's since we went through your clothes last week. So with all this information I have, I'm lead to believe that's Mr.Barnes' clothes" She slightly squealed the last part.

"Hello, Nat, what the actual hell are you doing in my apartment? And yes Bucky let me borrow clothes." Steve said concerned at the fact that his friends have been left in his apartment, unsupervised for hours.

"We just wanted to know more about you and Barnes, but with the fact that you rushed out of the tower and are now wearing new clothes makes me not want to know," Sam laughed. Steve rolled his eyes.

"I'm wearing his clothes because it was raining cats and dogs by the time I got there and I was soaked. And  he uh... only wanted help moving some of his furniture around."

"Is that what they called it back in your days?" Nat laughed. Why was Steve friends with theses two wacks?

"Hey 'Tasha, want to help me move some furniture?" Sam mocked. Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Off of that, tell us everything!" Nat said

"Like what? I already told you how we got together," Steve said not in the mood to carry on lying and digging himself into a deeper hole. He just wanted to be left to his thought right now.

"Like have you done anything else?" She asked making his eyes grow wide.  Why the hell did sex keep coming up?

"Miss Romanoff, when did you get so interested in my sex life?" he replied

"Jesus Christ! NO! I meant stuff like cute dates." She exclaimed making Steve blush

"Well I mean we've gone to the movies and a bar once, but that's it," Steve replied. He secretly dreamt of doing a thing like this with Bucky and he dreamt of so much more. Going places where they could just be normal people and be in love. 

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