Bakugou shivered as you brought your face closer to his, your lips a centimetre away from his. All he had to do was to lean forward to close the remaining gap and he could have a taste of your lips.

Kissing you was like an addictive sweet that Bakugou could never get enough of.

What made it even worst was that you knew how much of an effect you had on him which you used to your advantage. (E/C) eyes turned a shade darker in pleasure at the inner struggle that Bakugou was facing.

Hot breath danced on his lips as you whispered so that only the two of you could hear what you said. "I'll do anything to get what I needed to be done even if it's using your feelings to get you to be fooled by me."

His jaw became tenser as he gritted his teeth harder in anger as you released your hand and took a step back. Your lips stretched into a gleeful grin as Bakugou turned his head away from you, his hair casting a shadow over his eyes.

Feeling satisfied with the outcome of your teasing with the blonde, you turned on your heels and returned to your original spot next to Tomura. Before you could take another step, Bakugou spoke up.

"I'll not go back on my promise. I will bring you back onto my side even if I have to fight you to get your stubborn ass to listen to me."

(E/C) eyes widened as a memory flashed through your mind. An empty classroom and Bakugou crying into your shoulders as you brought him into a deep hug. His words from that day echoed loudly in your head, causing unwanted emotions to stir within your heart.

I vow to bring you back to my side, no matter what it takes.


You jumped at the sudden loud calling of your name, snapping you out of your walk down memory lane. Wide eyes darted around the room to see many pairs of eyes looking at you with curiosity.

Kurogiri was the only one looking at you with concern as he asked, "(Name)-san, are you okay? You didn't respond when Tomura Shigaraki called you the first two times."

Shoving the guilt that was starting to form in the pit of your stomach aside, you cleared your throat and replied, avoiding Tomura's questioning eyes directed at you. "I'm fine."

No one said anything as they accepted your answer, thinking that you were probably just having an off day. You retreated to the back of the room, ignoring a pair of red orbs boring intensely into your back.

As Tomura took over once more, your mind was plagued by what Bakugou had said. The more you thought about it, the more turmoiled and confused you became. However, one thing for sure was, you couldn't deny the guilt that was becoming more potent when you remembered the hurt look on Midoriya's face when he learnt of your betrayal.

You bit your lips in frustration, hands clenched into fists as the guilt continued to consume you.

"You love (Name)." Your head snapped up when you heard your name being called. "However, it's impossible for both of you to be together because of one's a hero while the other's a villain. Such a tragic story instead."

Bakugou's face was blank, but Tomura saw the slight widening of his eyes told him that he was right. The corners of his lips quirked up into a smirk because everything was going according to his plan.

"What if I told you I can make it possible for both of you to be together?" Tomura began, his words catching your attention. "All you've to do is join me. Join the League of Villains and you can be with your beloved. What do you think about it, (Name)?"

All eyes were on you, waiting for an answer. Your voice was a whisper when you spoke up, looking at Bakugou with hopeful eyes. "Join me Katsuki-kun. This way, both you and I can be together for real. Isn't that what you want?"

I'm Here For You (Bakugou x Villain!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now