Chapter 4

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Now. This was not what either Brinley or Roman had planned when they were aiming to "talk." Awkward silence. Brinley sat on one side of the table sipping her green tea, while Roman sat on the other side glaring at his cup. He wanted to drink it... he just... couldn't. It was like the equivelant of getting high drinking such a concoction for a werecat. Maybe she just wasn't what he was looking for. Maybe she wasn't a were...

"So..." Brinley dragged out.

"So..." Roman copied.

"You were the one who wanted to 'talk.' SO. TALK." she nearly snapped. Damn. Men were such trouble when they entered her life!

"Oh hell!" Roman hissed as he sat forward and slammed the manila envelope he had carried in on the table. The word 'Confidential' in bold red letters across the center of it. Marked with a symbol Brinley knew all too well, a symbol so simple, but so universal to someone like her. Her eyes went wide.

"Inside this envelope is a contract that could change everything..." he looked around the tiny dank and dreary apartment. Thin-walled, dingy, and in a horrible section of town. Not fit for the beautiful woman which Brinley had become. Looking back at her he said with confidence, "And by the look on your face, I believe I choose wisely. I can tell you understand what I am..."

She shook her head and stood from her spot at the table. "No... I don't want anything to do with..." she waved her hand at the envelope, "that."

Roman rose a brow and smirked as he begun again. "You look inside. I'm sure you will may reconsider. Call me when you've looked it over." He rose to his feet, walked to her side giving her a chaste kiss on the cheek before disappearing out the door.

Brinley quickly ran to the door locking it in place then turned around. There it sat... taunting her... What would she do?! There was only one person she could talk to regarding the subject and so she dialled.

"Brinley?" Kane grumbled from the other end of the phone. "What's the matter? I just laid down. Lane's already asleep..." his voice trailed off a bit. "Relax and go back to bed baby..." he cooed to someone.

"Kane. It's not Lane this time... it's... remember that thing I told you... it's rearing it's ugly little head..."

"What are you talking about?" Kane sat up from his bed and tried hard to concentrate on what his 'friend' was saying... but he was so tired from his romp with Lane.

"There's that part of me... part of you... that part... I said I wanted hidden... the part I wanted to keep hidden..."

"Oh crap! Yeah." Kane finally snapped into reality and chuckled. "Got it. What about that? Did your kitty finally want to come out and play with me?" his voice changed seductively and she knew he no longer lay in bed with his girlfriend.

"A guy from my past came knocking... and he dropped a contract on my table. Said it could change everything!" Her voice was worried. "Oh god Kane! I don't want to go back into that world! I was dragged through the mud when my father died... Why would I want that life again! It was just aweful! My father was such a tyrant! Do I really want to place that burden on you or others? The lies... the corruption... the rules!"

Kane sighed. "Did you even look at the contract? I mean come on doll... your an alpha after all. Some of us wouldn't mind..."

"Well... no." Brinley failed to see the point, "don't go there! I'm not about to lift the ban."

"Do me a favor... don't call this late unless you want some fun. Read the damned thing. Call me in the morning." Kane hung up and Brinley was left hanging.

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