chapter 6

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"What do you mean you want to amend to the contract?" Elder Agatha scrutinized.

Brinley cleared her throat. She needed to demand a bit. "I am more than happy to go with the contact in its entirety if a few thing are added in."

"And what makes you so confident we will accept those amendments?" Elder Franklin snapped.

"We have our ways..." Elder Riley said slyly.

Brinley shifted in her seat. She knew what that meant and she was not going to be kidnapped and or worse. She sat up straighter and replied with firm confidence. "I am not afraid. I have come from a very..." she thought of the words, "vicious and trying pride." She stood. "If you want me to leave..."

Roman stood quickly blocking her exit. "Now... now..., I didn't ask you here to attack my perspective..." would she be his mate? No... certainly she didn't want him. He could tell by the caution she had with his touch... "Damn it I'm asking for you to listen to Miss Sindel's terms!" he hissed. "Please continue Brinley. "

Now she had him! She continued with a nod. "I want a guaranteed four thousand a month. No questions asked."

"Sure that's acceptable." Roman replied quickly, no hesitation in his voice. If she would allow him...

"What about our alpha here?" Alpha George finally spoke up. "An alpha deprived..."

"Is no good to anyone. " Brinley continued, "I want mate privileges. I don't want to be simply a mistress who provides heirs."

Roman grinned raising a brow. He could definitely do mating! "That is optional to our alpha." Elder Franklin waved.

Roman moved his eyes to the elder glaring. It seemed the man was trying to get her to leave.

"Not for me," Brinley rolled her shoulders. "I want that in writing before I even do the test, and trust me, my blood will be valuable to this pack."

Roman snatched the contract and flipped it over scribbling the back. 'Amendment One. Full mate privileges for both parties. Full access to pack benefits." Then he signed his name before passing it over to Brinley. "Here. Any others..."

"Yes." She nodded looking at the contract then back up at the elders. "Gentle, generous, compassionate, and caring hand."

By the end of her sentence Roman was looking at her beyond curiously. The elders, brows furrowed and ready to laugh or yell at the same time. Just before they questioned, the door was shoved open fiercely.

Jumping up, Roman snarled. He stood on guard ready to attack.

"I'm sorry sir, he is alpha!" Someone announced as he was shoved aside and Alpha Pike, Roman's father, walked in.

"Roman?" the alpha lifted his hand rolling his eyes.

Roman relaxed and stood up. Bowed his head, but didn't move his eyes away, then without waiting, he sat down.

He extended his hand protectively and rested it on Brinley's bare leg, making her stiffen.

"Brinley Sindel, George Pike, alpha of Shadow Valley. Alpha... my prospective match."

The alpha took a big gulp of air and shook his head. "Get her out of my house and off of my land. She's not allowed here." His voice was a growling sharp demand. His hand smacked the tabletop as his other hand reached out toward Brinley.

"We can hold this meeting at the council, if you wish." One of the elders commented harshly as Roman tightened his grip.

Brinley flinched ready to leave. "I'll go." She jumped to her feet so did Roman.

"Don't." He tried as his hand fell from Brinley's leg. He grabbed for her but she yanked away.

She rushed the door and as the alpha shoved her harshly. He slammed the door as knocking Brinley to her knees.

"Hey!" Roman shouted as he punched. His fist caught the alpha's hand and he attempted to block the attack.

Instead, the powerful blow was matched with a second. The second which caught the alpha's chin causing him to fall back into the wall.

"Get out of my way!" Roman snarled.

By the time Roman opened the door, Brinley had made her way out of the house and into her car.

The guards stood unsure of which alpha to follow as Alpha George shifted into a big brown panther and raced from his house.

Roman hit the door of the car catching Brinley's tear filled attention as she turned the car on.

"Wait," his voice was husky and desperate.

Brinley's attention snapped to the window from shock and pained to horrified in only seconds. "Watch out!" She screeched.

Roman growled. Standing still Roman held his hand out to catch the panther that raced toward him.

Without turning his head, Roman's hand wrapped around the neck of the panther and smoothly smashed it into the ground.

As the panther gasped for air to fill its lungs, Roman held up a finger. "Please don't leave... I'll be right back."

Within moments, the strong muscles of Roman's shoulders twitched. Bones began to pop and snap, elongated and stretched. Fur coated his tanned skin and sharpened canines became of his human teeth. Soon his hands grew into paws, lengthened into fur covered toes. Snapping into a final form Roman became a massive tiger.

He was as a silent killer. The panther never saw it coming and within moments, blood shed along the pebbled driveway.

The tiger's jowls full of blood dripped more blood as he released the panthers neck from his mouth. Guards rushed forward but they didn't move too close. They dropped to one knee and bowed their heads. The elders stepped one by one from the house, standing carefully behind the guards.

The tiger licked his jowls and then lifted his head to the sky roaring.

When Roman had finally looked back towards Brinley's car, it was gone. She had barreled out the opened gate and disappeared. The tiger huffed.

Within moments a naked man stood in the tiger's place. His body was riddled with tattoos and scars. He groaned., "go find her and bring her back. My alpha status depends on..."

Stepping forward, Elder Agatha cleared her throat. " My alpha, unfortunately for the pack, it does not any more. They need you more than the breeding, though we can only hope you will keep in mind the need for a genetic heir."

"Interesting and thank you, but I like her... she will be my mate. My tiger has already made a decision to bond."

The guards raced into a nearby suv while one the elders stepped forward announcing, "Let it be know! A ceremony will be held for Roman Pike is the new alpha!"

Roman raised a hand to his head rubbing his wrinkled forehead smooth as he walked past toward the nearby woods. "Call me when she's brought back. I'll be at the lake."

"Alpha! Wait..." an elder called.

"I said I'll be at the lake."

Roman soon disappeared into the tree line, his body naked and tinged tan by the sun.

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