Being a defensive driver

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I'm not into road rage. It takes a lot for me to get angry. But today? I was seriously pissed.

A stupid girl driving a black Hummer almost hit me today at my son's school. I was signaling to go to the left lane as soon as I got there I saw her turning her wheels to the left as well, if I didn't speed up she should have hit my right side, luckily there was the opening to the left (the parking lot) and she followed me there as well. I was so furious, I was practically yelling 'Use your fucking signal, bitch!' at the rearview mirror, giving her THE LOOK. I admit, I was badly shaken because I'm a defensive driver. See, no matter how defensive your are, no matter how cautious you are - there will always be jerk drivers out there.

I have a lot of pet peeves when it comes to driving and one of them is NOT USING THE TURN SIGNALS.

How hard is it? Don't you know how to use it? Or maybe... You can't differentiate left from right? If you're one of those who don't use their signals when changing lanes, do everyone a favor and START USING IT. You'll be surprised how it can help you save yourself from accidents.

And one more thing, don't EVER rely on your side mirrors. ALWAYS DO A HEAD CHECK. I use my side mirror first. But before I turn I make sure I do a head check.

It's better and safer.

Rant over.

Xoxo katie

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