I've heard that one before...

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Yep, you've heard that one before.

Now for my two cents.

This is the condensed version of all the itty bitty things I hate in the writing world. I'm Sorry if this is a little negative and offensive but like what I always say, to each their own.

Just a reminder, this is not targeted on certain people, but people in general.

Okay, while browsing around Wattpad the past few weeks, I have seen quite a lot of authors with great stories but what's really disappointing is when I see the note that says 'I won't be updating _____ until I get _____ votes and ____ comments'.

Woah... Seriously? I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Writing online for about a year and a half now, one important thing I've learned: Don't be too over obsessed with comments.

It'll weigh you down when you expect too much. I'm sorry if you feel guilty but you have to accept it. It's the truth.

I admit when I was new, I loved getting comments. 50 to 100+ on every chapter. It's so funny because I was just discussing this with a few friends of mine. Anyways, it was exciting to have new readers everyday. But then it kinda got... overwhelming. I was tired all the time because I had to update all those people on their walls. So as time went by, half of them just disappeared. I took a break from booksie, and came back. But I only updated those people who had read the ending to my last novel, and a few of them came to read.

I realized, having lots of comments/votes aren't everything. Don't get me wrong, I value every fan and reader of mine. Like for example you have 500 fans. I bet you half of them don't even give a fuck about your writing.

  Again, it's the truth.

I have to admit I'm more happier now than I was before. I get to write and update whenever I can. Writing is therapeutic, so keep on writing. It helps you out with stress.

And one more thing. I want to talk about is: fanning. I'm pretty sure you have this as one of your pet peeves. Let's admit it, we get excited when someone follows you as a fan. But my mood drops when I see a message in my inbox saying 'fan for a fan, please?' or "Can you fan back?'

OMG. Really?

  Are you THAT desperate?

  I only fan back when I like a person's personality or whether I like their works. It's just plain pathetic to beg for fans just so you can look popular.

"I LOVE YOUR WORKS!!! YOU'RE AMAZING!!! Please read my story (insert story title here)!"

  Again, OMG.

Messages like these are often ignored. Now you wonder why you're NOT successful in the writing world. It's simple. You don't have writing etiquette. When you don't respect other people, then why the fuck should they respect you?

Advertising your story in other people's stories.

Don't you just LOVE those? Like I said, these are often ignored and deleted. And not to mention, reported. In the past, people have come to my wall to spam me with reading requests even though it says in BIG BOLD RED LETTERS that Reading requests are closed.

I won't bother checking your story out because first of all, you didn't even bother to take the time to read what's on my profile. I came across a story today and while reading the first chapter and its comments, I saw so many people leaving story advertisements on that chapter. There was one girl who claims she saw others doing it so she decided to do it, too.

NO, NO, NO. This is downright rude. Just because you saw someone doing it, doesn't mean it's right. We could always take a chance on leaving a polite reading request on people's walls or their inbox as long as you're read they're profiles and clearly states if they're accepting or not accepting reading requests.

And last but not the least, commenting on the very first chapter of my novel will NOT make me read your stuff if that's your hidden agenda. I loathe those who comment "nice", "amazing!" and "you're a great author" then later on I find a reading request pasted on my wall. (slaps forehead)

What makes you think I'll check your story out straight away? I don't do read for read and I dislike favors being owed. I usually take requests from long time readers of mine because I know they have been there for me for such a long time now so they're my main priority.

Come on guys, you don't have to comment on people's works because a one word or one line comment will not get you any reads. Instead, just ask politely, that's all you gotta do.

If you want to be a successful writer in the writing world and in order to be respected by others, you MUST respect yourself first. Be honest and sincere when you give comments. When you help people from the goodness of your heart, you will gain something back. Kindness begets kindness.

Good karma. ;)

And when you get to the top, don't forget to look back where you came from. It's called being grounded. Never ever stop saying thank you and always help out whenever you can.

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