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Here are some frequently asked questions. If you have a question that is not available here, ask away thru my inbox. I'll add more along the way.

Q: I can't see the private chapters even after following you. What do I do?

A: Please delete the book from your library, add it again, sign out of your account and then sign back in. You should be able to see the private chapters after following those steps. It always works.

Q: Why do you have private chapters?

A: Two things. One, because I don't want my whole story out in the open, and this is due to an influx of mirror sites out there that downloads stories from writing sites who make money using pop up ads whenever a reader clicks on a chapter. When I privatized some chapters, that's when I noticed that they were no longer available on their sites. I placed a note at the beginning of each story warning the reader that they can read the complete story on Wattpad where it's safer from malware. You have to be a follower in order to read the private chapters. I know it sucks, but you can always unfollow after reading, no biggie. Second, it's because my mature scenes are hidden and I have to place them in a separate book.

Q: Will there be a sequel for What Vincent Wants?

A: To be honest, I don't like writing sequels. I do spin-offs instead. I just want to give them their happy ending and move on to the next couple. To be honest, I easily get tired writing about the same characters. What Vincent Wants might not have a sequel, but expect them to weave in and out of the Sterling book series.

Q: What is the Sterling series?

A: Book 1 - Vincent Sterling, Book 2 - Russell Sterling (younger brother), Book 3 - Callen Sterling (younger sis), Book 4 - Rainier Sterling (Vincent's cousin)

Spin offs

* Your Shattered Heart (Daphne's cousin Aylene + Antoine's love story - new adult - available on radish.com)

* Between You, Me and the Bed - Allie and Rich from Between You and Me gets to have an alternate version of their love story (new adult)

Q: When do you update?

A: It really depends. It's whenever I finish a chapter.

Q: Why do you take a long time to update?

A: Because I work full time and I have a family to take care of. I also assist my mom with her appointments and do house chores and grocery shopping. I like to write at my own pace that way I don't post a crappy chapter.

Q: What do you use to write your stories?

A: When I do drafts, I usually write on notepads on my lunch breaks or I type whatever comes to mind on my iPhone's pages/notepad. When I'm home and I have the time to sit down and write, that's when I work on the whole thing using my MacBook Air.

Q: Will you ever write in another genre?

A: I've tried most genres in the past with Romance being a huge part of the storyline. Most of them are still incomplete and have been tossed to the back burner. It's fun, but one thing's for sure, I don't think I'll ever do horror and historical romance. But I'm keeping my options open. Never say never.

Q: Is Vincent American or French? I'm confused.

A: He's half French. His Mom, Laurel, is French who was born in Bretagne, France and moved to New York when she was a toddler and his dad is originally from New York. I chose Vincent to be half French because I'm also half European myself. To be honest, I have a fascination with anything French related. I grew up loving Fashion design, watching haute couture on TV that were based in Italy and France, hoping I'd be Fashion designer someday and live in Europe. My dad loved sending me books about Madeline by John Bemelmans Marciano when he was living in Guam.

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