Act Two- Scene Seven

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I would've had this up a bit ago, but I was working on the first scene of Be More Chill revival script, which took a while, cause it's like nine minutes long on stage.... 0-0 Anyways, I'm going to prepare the script ahead of time so that way when I am finished making content for this book, I can start the sequel *almost* immediately. BTW, this is scene seven, and there is only nine scenes in Act Two, so *SQUEE*. This book is almost over. Fret not, I have some other stuff to put at the end of the book after they finish watching the musical that will lead into the sequel. While I work on that stuff, please check out the other stories on this account. I have and Ask/Dare book that I am really excited about, and I've had no asks. ;-;. Just search up bemorebi Ask/Dare, and it should come up!! Anyways, I need to stop delaying writing the reaction by making this author's note... :P



(Jeremy's house. JEREMY'S DAD sits at the kitchen table. JEREMY enters, carrying the shoebox. He looks good. He acts cold.)


Where do you think you're going, private?

"Aw! Your dad is funny!" Christine says. "My dad is a stick in the mud!"

She huffs and folds her arms. Her dad worked as a bank teller and rarely smiled or laughed at this point. Her mother makes it a game to try to make him laugh, but that never really works.


The play?


What play? You're in a play? 

"You didn't even tell your dad? I talked my parents' ears off about how I was in another play!" Christine says. Rich chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"Of courthe you did, Chrithtine..."

Did you borrow my car on Halloween?


Disdainful denial.


I don't know what you're talking about.


Then I guess I should blame the car elves.

Michael snorts, then calms himself down, realizing that it was not the right moment for laughing. This scene seemed really important.


Do whatever you want.

(JEREMY starts to go.)


Did you take it to that party?



(JEREMY stops.)


I'm worried about you! You come and go all hours, doing god knows what, wearing these new clothes... What is going on with you?


Tell him the truth.


I took a pill-sized supercomputer called a Squip that's in my brain, and it talks to me, and it's made everything better!

Jake says, "That makes you sound literally insane..."

"What if that was the point...?" Brooke asks, confusing herself. She was still facing away from Chloe, refusing to talk to her or even acknowledge her existence. Brooke was done being stepped all over, and if that meant being mad at Chloe, then so be it. 

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