6~🍋~ Crush x Reader prt 1

Start from the beginning

"Yes love?"

"It's been 3 years since we've been married, it's really amazing how I already have you as my wife and yet... I can't stop falling for you everyday. You're so amazing and beautiful...and I am so thankful for having you in my life. I also wanted to give you this."

Scooting back, he reached under the table a neatly wrapped gift in (F/C) and black. Forwardly giving it to me, I grabbed it with care as I opened the parcel. It was...a photo album.

Taking the photo album out of it's package, I stared at it in awe. The front had the first letters of mine and (C/N)'s name. Opening the front page, a picture showed a stolen pic of me dancing around the leaves of fall with a huge grin plastered on my face with a note that says 'The Beauty's Wonder', looking up to him with a grin.

"Really? When did you took a picture of this?"

"I dunno~ I just have my ways"

He winked as I just laughed, continuing to look at the pictures. Going through the second page, there I see me, (C/N), and my friends and beside the pic is another note; 'Trying to fit in to know her better'. Giggling from the note, I returned my gaze to (C/N).

"You know you can just come to me if you want to know more about me"

"I just don't want to act suspicious or like a stalker you know.. especially your friends being observative."

"Still tho! I would love to share you more about myself!"

"I'll keep that in mind. I tend to abort mission of 'getting-to-know-you-more' since I don't know how to start a conversation with you at those times."

"Hahaha! You can talk to me about any topic now!"

"Yup, I learned that ever since we got officially together."

Flipping the next page showed me and him cuddling in the corner of our old classroom, I think this was when we were grade 12? 'Thanks to (B/F/N), I have a pic of you cuddling me. You were so adorable being the clingy you as always'. Smiling at this, flipping page every page filled with many memorable pictures until I reached the last page. There I see, our wedding moment. This time the note wasn't short, 'The best moment of my life, marrying the girl of my dreams. The girl who can pick a man who is better out there in the world and yet she still chose me. It feels too amazing to be true or real...but here you are, the first thing I see everytime I wake up in the morning. I am damn proud to say that I am the luckiest man in this world, I Love You (Y/N) (C/L/N).'

"Hun, are you ok?"


I felt something wet hit my hand until realized, I was crying. Not in pain or sadness though... My heart was bursting in happiness and love...to the point I was tearing up.

"Oh (C/N)... Don't worry, I'm just... So happy to have you in life until the end... Reading this note, I can't help but let these tears of joy fall out of my eyes..."

Standing up from my chair as he did the same, both walking towards each other. Wrapping my arms to his neck as he slides his arms to my waist, enjoying the moment of embrace.

"I Love You (C/N) (C/L/N)."

"I Love You Too (Y/N) (C/L/N)."

⏭️Crush X Reader Oneshots⏮️ ~Book 1~ [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now