Chapter 43

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Mae agreed to put on the skirt and leggings to be more formal for dinner. As she changes behind a curtain I think, what did she lose? She said she'd tell me after dinner and not to worry but the thoughts swarm my mind. That's when she comes around and bashfully straightens her shirt, leaning on her left leg
"I dunno, doesn't it look weird?" she pauses and  does a slow spin.
"no way. You look great! First impressions, you know?"
She smiles and we spend the next twenty minutes doing her makeup and I manage to squeeze in a shower before heading out to the main hall where Dean has set up a casual dinner, in complete contrast to his engagement night itself. Just as i come out Sam guides Charlie and Rowena into the bunker.
"Oh my goodness!"  Rowena's black, almost cloak flows behind her as she pushes past Sam and rushes down the stairs towards me.
"Vivianne I heard you were dead! I'm so happy you're back!" she pulls me into her tiny embrace and I hug her back.
"Us MacLeod girls, we just can't stay dead!" as soon as we separate, Charlie gives me a hug as well.
"long time no see!" she exclaims and Rowena places a big heavy gray bag on the ground.
"Now, Sam told me that you needed some medical help?"
She asks and I make eye-contact with Sam, who voluntarily butts-in.
"well, we planned to discuss that later on after dinner" he mentions and Rowena nods
"alrighty, well then where's everyone else?"
As if on cue, Dean in actual dress pants for once, and Castiel, obviously clad in his trench coat, guide a semi-formally attired Jack into the hall. Sam's phone suddenly buzzes and he rushes to let Mary and Bobby in while the others all embrace. After he's done, Jack disappears and I completely lose track of his whereabouts until a sudden breath warms my neck.
"No matter how many dinners you dress up for, you'll never cease to take my breath away." His whisper is completely lost to everyone else but I smile and go to greet Mary, pretending not to have heard him at all. As everyone is seated at the table, I make sure to leave an empty place between Dean and I for Mae.
"Dear, why is there an extra seat?"
Rowena gestures toward the chair
"Yeah, and wheres that girl who was staying here for a while?" Mary interjects and Charlie and Rowena stare at her in utter confusion. Before they can say anything though, Mae makes her entrance, quietly coming from the first aid room and letting the heavy metal door thump shut behind her.
"Hello. " she acknowledges the guests and slips into her seat casually.
"I'm Maeve Jackson. I guess I'll be here a little while." she uncomfortably shifts under the adults gaze and a moment passes before Dean clarifies her story, casually leaving out the part that she is a vampire.
"Well that must suck!" Charlie bursts out, upset and Rowena sympathetically nods,
"And you're just a wee little lass too!"
"How Old are you?"
"When did you arrive here?"
"Are you even human?"
Mary, Charlie and Bobby suddenly shoot questions at Mae, who i can tell is overwhelmed so I swiftly change the topic,
"I understand you all have lots of questions, but maybe wait to ask Mae until after supper? Dean has prepared some wonderful food for us so why don't we begin?"
"Amen to that" Dean chuckles and we all begin making and eating our food.
Mae sends me a look of gratitude and I also see the not-so-subtle glances of pure love that Dean and Cas keep exchanging. As everyone appears to  be finished with their food, dean casually stands at the head of the table. With Sam to his left, Cas down the table, and Mae and I to his right, I see him take a breath before preparing to say it.
"Everyone, Cas and I have an  announcement." he dramatically pauses.
"We're engaged."

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