Chapter 42

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In the kitchen, Jack is leaned against the counter, quietly sipping coffee, just ad Mae said he was.
"Viv." he pauses before curtly nodding at me. Awkwardly, i nod back before sitting at the table with a cup of water. Suddenly a gruff angry voice comes from the hall, its muffled but i can almost decipher everything he's saying.
"Yeah,  But Sam's inviting her right now. We have to stop him. Mhmm. Babe I know you're on a case right now but we have to stop him. Okay. Yup. Okay, I love you too Cas. Bye."
As soon as he hangs up the phone, Dean stumbles into the kitchen, visibly angry.
"Hello Dean." Jack warily smiles and Dean grunts in response.
"Is he actually doing it?" i curiously ask and Dean nods
"Rowena and Charlie are coming back tonight. The plan is for Sam to talk to Rowena but the whole point of tonight's dinner is to announce Cas and my engagement. Mom and Bobby are coming too." i shake my head.
"What? Sam's going to try to cure her? Isn't that dangerous, and practically impossible?" Jack is as shocked as I was.
" I know, crazy stupid right?" i almost shout when Dean cracks open a beer.
"Cas will be home in a couple hours but you two need to go. I need the kitchen clear to make dinner." he shoos us out and Jack and I aimlessly wander into the library.
"Viv?" Jacks voice is soft, as if he knows he's stepping into uncharted territory.
"Yeah." i quietly reply
"I need to show you something."
"okay." I follow Jack out into the forest and he guides me into a clearing. It feels unnatural, being out here where we could be a couple again but really all we are doing is stomping down a gravel trail, enveloped in awkward silence.
"stop." Jack's arm shoots out to show the clearing. The one where i exploded a werewolf within days of arriving. Just across from the area where they attacked is a spot of unsettled ground. The grass and moss is a brighter green, a small brick marking the spot. Confused, i walk closer to read the bricks tiny message,
Viv M. Remembered.
That's when it hits me. The lighter green mossy spot is a body deposit. My body deposit. Pausing I examine the land my old body lies beneath and im only brought from the trance by Jack sniffing.
"I thought you were gone forever." his eyes are red, brimmed with tears.
"I'm so sorry."
He clears his throat, but tears continue to drip sown his face, as he wipes and wipes, trying to just get rid of them, and stop the pain that is having me see him in such a state.
"Jack." I take a step toward him and i feel something course through my body.
"She kissed me so suddenly, I closed my eyes and didn't see it wasn't you. Im sorry" he says it again and I cut him off with a light kiss to his cheek.
"For now, lets stay on a break. I need to focus on Mae and Dean and Castiel's wedding .But I forgive you Jack. And we can be great together. Soon" he nods and takes my hand, pulling it to his lips and placing a soft kiss on my left middle knuckle.
"okay." his voice is barely a whisper and he begins the long walk back. I jog to catch up and hold his hand in mine, ignoring the way his head jerks up in surprise as soon as our fingers intertwine. When we return to the bunker we split up again and I slip into the kitchen, looking for Dean. Sure enough, he's grilling an array of burger patties.
"hey, Dean. Need any help?" i try not to surprise him as he takes a gulp from a bottle of beer, sighing.
He shakes his head and i notice the entire case of beer bottles next to him.
"Woah, Woah Woah. I know you're a borderline alcoholic, but what the actual fuck dean. You cant get drunk right before an engagement party. Are you even thinking you dumbass?"
I see Dean recoil a bit at my harsh words and he puts down his beer.
"Vivianne, I know you're right. But they don't even know about me."
I lean back against the counter parallel to dean and the delicious smelling patties on the grill. Pausing in confusion, i reply.
Dean stops flipping a patty.
"Bobby, Mary, Rowena and Charlie don't know I'm bisexual." as he swallows in an anxious way, it hits me.
"so you're coming out and announcing your engagement all at once? Huh." Dean nods, repeating what i said.
He flips a couple patties off the grill and puts some raw ones down to cook.
"So," I say, trying to lighten the mood.
"Have you and Cas worked on the wedding yet?" there's a pause as dean puts down a patty and turns to face me again
"well, we want a casual wedding in the forest. You know, ward-protected areas? And we were hoping to get married on December 31st, so we can start the New year married."
I raise my eyebrows at that,
"Dean? Its November 19th. How do you plan on getting it all ready?"
He sighs dramatically and shoots back a reply.
"Look, Viv i appreciate that you care, but we'll discuss this later, after people actually know about my engagement" and with that he's back to the grill. I swiftly sneak the case of beer out as to not get Dean drunk, and slip it behind a bookshelf in the main hall. Sitting down at the extended table, I lean my head back and close my eyes. After a minute or two, I hear footsteps hitting cement and Turn around to see Mae, slowly limping her way down the hall into her room. We make brief eye-contact and she gives me a slight smile, wincing in pain before slipping into the first aid room.  That reminds me. I rush to my own room looking through all the formal wear I have and try to find the black skirt and tights I'd seen earlier. Grabbing a makeup bag and some jewelry, I shoot back to Mae's room. Knocking gently, I hear a weak voice come from inside and step in, seeing Mae quickly sit up straight and cover up her own arms with the long sleeves of her new shirt.
"Is everything okay?" I sit down on her bed beside her, depositing the pile of things I brought and she manages to smile briefly.
"yeah.." I raise an eyebrow at her.
"okay, clearly you're lying. Mae, what's up?" i sincerely ask and she pauses, sitting straight and meeting my eyes.
"I lost something."

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