Eventually, Bendy would calm down, but he would never be the same. Tainted by ink. Consumed by darkness. Loathing in despair. All alone with nobody to love him and take care of his aching heart. He hated everyone. He wanted to kill just about everyone that had worked in this studio.

But most of all, he wanted to kill Joey Drew. He wanted that man to suffer, to go through exactly what Bendy did himself. He wanted to drown the man in ink. He wanted to rip open his chest as he assumingly did to Boris. And when Joey pleaded and cried for Bendy's help, Bendy would turn his back on the man and leave him to die all alone.

So there he sat, weeping at the feet of his dead best friend. Darkness and loneliness consumed him, binding him to a fate of everlasting suffer. Rage and hatred coursed through his body, all of which would be built up over time until he could unleash it on the creators. And just like that, his light went out.


That's why he acted strange in Heavenly Toys. He couldn't stand seeing the Boris plushies. That's why he got jealous when you were with Sammy. He couldn't stand the thought of you being taken away from him, leaving him to wander alone once more.

You looked at Bendy as you put down the handful of sketchbook papers. Some bore pictures that he made, the rest held the words he wrote. He told you the entire story.

When you looked at Bendy, you saw him vigorously trembling and shaking. His forehead was pressed against his fist, and his other hand tightly clenched his bow tie. His ink became very runny and was seeping onto the floor. Pure tears streamed down his face like crazy, showing no signs of stopping.

"Bendy." You said softly, trying to get his attention. "My little devil darling."

He raised his head and looked at you, tears still streaming down his face and body still quivering. You placed one of his hands in between both of yours, squeezing it firmly. You looked him dead in the face, saying, "Bendy, I love you with all of my heart. You are not a monster! The real monsters are the creators." You chose your words carefully, trying to avoid speaking Joey's name so you wouldn't further upset the demon.

You noticed his bow tie flowing with the ink as it started to drip down away from his neck. You lightly held it as you began to push it back up into place. "I'm so sorry you went through this. I had no idea. But you aren't alone anymore! You have me, and I will never leave you to live alone again."

When the bow tie was back in its usual place, Bendy placed his gloved hand over yours before you could take your hand away from his bow tie. He held your hand there for a second before moving to rest on his inky body, right where his heart was.

The two of you sat there for a while, sitting in silence. He enjoyed feeling the warmth of your hand in his, while you enjoyed feeling his gentle heartbeat. After a moment longer of silence, you whispered, "I love you."

Bendy looked at you for a second before placing a soft ink heart at the corner of your mouth. He would've kissed your lips, but he didn't want you to get sick from his ink. You smiled at Bendy as you pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around your torso as he leaned his head against your chest, listening to your heartbeat. You placed one arm around the small of his back, while the other went around his head. You lightly stroked the back of his head with your hand, pressing his head closer to your chest.

He started to slightly shake again and he clutched the fabric of your shirt, but you gently shushed him. "It's alright, Bendy. I promise. I'm here for you, always."

He tightened his arms around you, his trembles starting to die down. His ink became less runny and his tears ceased to fall. You continued to stroke his head as you began to softly sing a small lullaby. Eventually, you felt his grip loosen on your shirt and his arms started loosen around you. You smiled, now only humming the lullaby as you held the sleeping demon in your arms.

Once you were certain he was fast asleep, you stopped humming. You continued to stroke his head as you looked at him lovingly. Such a precious thing he was.... It was a shame he went through that. And, just as Sammy has said, Joey Drew probably was the stupid man behind all of this.

You gritted your teeth as you thought about that psychotic and selfish man. He was going to pay for making Bendy feel this way, and you'd make sure of that. Joey didn't deserve to live. Bendy was right. The man deserved to suffer, all alone, with nobody to help him. The creators were all going to face the consequences, and you knew just the person to help with that.

You leaned down close to Bendy's head, whispering, "My sweet demon. I will protect you. I will mend your aching heart, and I will fix your broken soul. I love you, Bendy. I love you more than I can put into words. I'll find a way to fix this.... I promise."

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now