Chapter 22: The Core

Start from the beginning

"Of course! He didn't introduce me? That jerk," he smiled and leaned forward, "I'm Mason."

He looked at you expectantly for a few seconds before leaning backwards, falling onto his back. "This is nice, just you and me, in a cave. You hungry?"

You were. Now you felt full, did sleep really fill your stomach? "Surprisingly not," you replied.

"Good," he smiled wider, sitting back up with a proud look on his face. He reminded you of a dog that successfully completed a trick.

It didn't take long to connect the dots. You eyed the gleeming gem that hung from his neck. You found that by simply looking at it, you can feel the magic pulsing through it.

"Hey (Y/N)?" he called, letting his head tilt to a side. You caught yourself smiling slightly and figured how weird it must look to have someone smiling weirdly while staring at your chest so you coughed and passed your hand over your eyes.

"Yeah?" you said, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"Nothing..." he replied cheekily. And with that, you were left staring awkwardly at your companion while he stared back just as awkwardly.

You tried to start a conversation but couldn't for the hell of you, think up a suitable topic. "Hey, wanna talk about how you're mentally unstable?" didn't sound really nice of you. Neither did "I heard your father abused you to the brink of insanity, what was that like?"

That's when you realised how little you actually understand Dipper or any of his other personalities. How could you even claim that you "loved" him, it was probably just puppy love.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, B, Dipper doesn't open up very much," Mason said as if he could hear your thoughts. Maybe he could. You flashed him an awkward grin.

"He may seem a little harsh sometimes but honestly, who can you blame? I guess he feels he owes me something, he would take a bullet for me if we weren't in the same body," he continued, "I kinda like his protective-ness, he's like an older you have an older brother?"

You froze as you contemplated on how to answer. Your brother was and always will be a sensitive topic but eventually you replied with a small bob of your head.

"They are always so protective, aren't they. I mean, I love Dipper the way he is but geez, back off amirite?"

"I guess..." when you were young, your brother never really cared about your well-being, it only started when he found out about his condition. Your classmates figured it was to distract himself from his terminal illness and it was nice of him to guard you so fiercely. Yet you always felt like he was way too nosy, an annoying guard dog that didn't allow you near any thing that showed a little threat.

Now you missed him, you would give anything for him to circle around you relentlessly again.

"-you can't meet someone new without either one of them freaking the heck out and forcing you back. I don't think I even properly half of our acquaintances." you realised Mason was worked up talking about something. Ashamed you didn't hear the first half, you sat up straighter, and pretended to be listening.

[Mason's POV]
(Y/N) was obviously drifting off somewhere far, but I continued talking anyways. I just enjoyed spilling everything out, the sound of words travelling out my mouth.

It isn't often I get to stay outside for long, and life outside is more than heaven for me. The constant vibration of my throat as I talk, the need to blink at regular intervals. What can I say, its the small things that makes life so...enjoyable.

I observed (Y/N), she looked...different from other girls. She radiated independence, anyone who looks at her will instantly know that she can take care of herself. Is that what Dipper saw in her? He must be tired of babysitting me. I smiled subconsciously.

If this relationship between them continues, it will be, interesting. Not a lot of our alters know about her yet, I can already name some that may not be too happy with her.

You see it too, don't you.


Find a way to return.

I can't feel Tyrone's impatience "bleeding" into me. His distrust settled in my head as the image of (Y/N) shifts. I know he's trying to take over, to push me back in. Usually I would let him drown me slowly into unconsciousness, but I held my place this time.

For a moment, I felt like we were one, I no longer saw the girl in front of me as the way I perceived her earlier. I felt doubt plaguing my emotions, tears begin to blind me as my directionless speech start to falter.

Pause. Time stood still.

The doubt has vanished, replaced by fear. Its scaly hands gripped me as I felt myself craddled in its arms. Vines curled around my neck, restricting my breath. I clawed desparately at it, trying to free myself. Sweat was drenching my shirt but I felt uncomfortably cold.

I hate it.

I want it to stop.

I want it to stop.

I want it to stop.



Hi, lol, I'm really really sorry for abandoning this story. I had no idea how to continue and given my personality, I just pushed it aside.

You guys have been so supportive of me and I hope all you old readers are still out there. You really made this possible and honestly if I didn't have your comments, I would have given up entirely.

I love you guys!! Look forward to the next chapter!

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