Chapter 3: Selling Your Soul for a...

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Quick A/N! I noticed that Dipper isn't really in the first two chapters and usually the reader would be falling head over heels for him by now in other Dipper x reader fanfics.

I'm really sorry if that was what you wanted. Honestly, I don't like to rush it because it would not make sense as I don't believe in love at first sight.

So, it would take a few more chapters for Dipper and you to go all lovey dovey. Hang in there folks! I promise it will come!

You may also realise that the next few chapters may be leaning towards 'Gideon x reader' or 'Will x reader'. Don't panic, I will try to add Dipper inside if I can.
You buried your head into your knees. You were never much of a crybaby but this time, tears managed to escape your eyes.

You had no idea how long you have sat there until...

"(Y/N)? Is that you?"

You looked up and saw a familiar figure a ways away in the woods. It was kinda short and it was holding a...journal!

"Gideon!" you were so relieved to see something you recognised that you jumped up and ran to him.

"What are you doing here? This is like a good 5 miles from your apartment," he asked.

"Well...I..." you did not know what to say.

He waited.

Finally, you gave in. You told him that you went to the Gleeful's magic show. His face darkened when you said that.

"You went there? Did they do anything to you? Did they ask you to volunteer for anything?" he asked worriedly, showering so many questions on you.

"Um, Dipper did ask me to step in a box."

"A what!? Did he hurt you?" Gideon was starting to scare you. He was worried to the point where you felt a little uncomfortable.

"No...there was this boy with blue hair that took me out of the box and told me to leave..." you replied. Gideon took a moment to digest that. You could see that he was struggling to believe you.

"Boy with blue hair?" Gideon repeated, wracking his brains for someone who looked like that in Reverse Falls.

You nodded.

"Is he magical? He should be right? You are miles away from the Tent," Gideon muttered. You did not know to answer or not. He seemed like he was talking to himself.

"Well, it's ok, let me take you home. I have a golf cart," he said, smiling a little. You wanted to return home as soon as possible so you agreed.

[Meanwhile, at the Tent of Telepathy...]
"What do you mean 'she escaped'!?" Mabel shouted in anger.

"S-she just r-ran out, I c-couldn't stop h-her," Will replied, shaking uncontrollably.

"Oh, I totally understand. But I also understand that YOU ARE AN EFFING DEMON!" Mabel retorted loudly.

"Relax, sister," Dipper replied coldly. He didn't show any emotions, "You dropped your necklace." he pointed at a necklace that was lying on the floor.

"That isn't mine," Mabel picked the necklace up, "I'll never own such cheap garbage."

"Then it must be (L/N)'s" he pointed out.

"Well, we don't need this," she threw it over her back, shattering what seemed like a precious stone on the necklace.

<Dipper's POV>
For some reason, a piece of my heart broke off when the necklace hit the floor. I don't know why.

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