Chapter 4: The Jerks of the Falls

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You awoke the next day, thinking about all the things you could do in Reverse Falls. You could go to the library, eat ice cream, go to the arcade or visit Pacifica and Gideon's home in the Mystery Shack.

That was when you remembered the events of last night. You still couldn't believe that you actually accepted a date with the one person your first friend told you to avoid.

You did not see what was wrong with Dipper, but Pacifica did not seem to like him at all. There must be a reason, after all, no one could doubt a face like that.

You caught yourself before your mind wandered any further than that.

The date was at 4, it was 9 AM now. You did not expect to wake up so late but you did turn in pretty late last night. Your late awakening leaves you with 7 hours before Dipper comes. Maybe you could drop by the shack.

And so, that was what you did. After you brushed your teeth, changed and grabbed your purse and phone, you headed straight to the address that Pacifica had given you.

Before long, you came across a shack with a huge sign plastered above the ceiling: MYSTERY SHACK

That must be it.

You knocked on the door and waited. Moments later, a guy in his mid-twenties opened the door. He was dressed in a flannel and black pants.

"Yes? How can I help you, Miss?" he said.

"Um, I'm looking for Pacifica and Gideon?" you said.

"Oh, they are upstairs, come in!" he smiled and stepped aside, letting you in.

"Pacifica! Gideon! Someone is looking for you," he called. There was a huge sound of people running down the stairs and in no time, your two new friends were right in front of you.

"Oh, hi (Y/N)!" they greeted.

"I'm so glad you came!! Do you have any plans for today? Can we bring you around again?" Pacifica questioned cheerfully.

You nodded and immediately found yourself dragged out towards the town but Pacifica.

"I have so much to show you!! There is this pancake store that has the best pancakes!!" she cried happily and pulled you towards a store, leaving Gideon behind.

The first thing that hit you was the smell of maple syrup and pancake batter. Pacifica pulled you into a chair and went to a counter to order some food.

You were hungry since you haven't had breakfast so you sat there waiting. Pacifica returned minutes later and sat down opposite you.

"So, how was your first day in Reverse Falls? This place is amazing right?" Pacifica asked.

"Yeah, I guess."

"You'll love it even more when I show you the sweater store, that place is the best!!" she shouted, the whole store stared at her. You realised that she was wearing a different sweater. This time, it was a baby blue one with a huge cat face on it.

You were so fascinated by Pacifica that you didn't notice two girls walking towards your table.

"Excuse me, but you are sitting at our table," one of the girls said. She had long straight black hair and had a Korean accent to her cold voice.

Pacifica glared at her, "This isn't your table, Candy."

The girl named Candy rolled her eyes at Pacifica then turned her attention to you.

"Oh look, Pacifica finally found a new friend other than that ugly Gideon. Who are you? I don't remember seeing your ugly face before," she sneered, crossing her arms.

You couldn't stand it, that girl was getting on your last nerves.

"And who are you, the even uglier mean girl in every movie?" you retorted.

"(Y/N)!" Pacifica hissed. Candy looked fuming.

"I'll give you one last chance, scram before I ruin your social media life," she warned.

"And never come into our paths again or blood will become your new makeup!" the other girl added. At least you think she's a girl, her voice was hardly feminine and her muscles suggest that messing with her could lead to serious trouble.

"Come on (Y/N)," Pacifica tugged you to another table.

"Why did you do that? You have to stand up to them," you said.

"You don't understand, those two girls are the next worse bullies after Mabel. Candy is the most threatening cyber bully there is out there. Grenda is one of the strongest person there is on Reverse Falls. You won't want to get on their bad side," Pacifica explained.

You looked over at them, they look threatening enough. Which makes you wonder, why the hell does Reverse Falls sound like a high school with a pack of bullies and good guys?

(Yeah, that was what I keep thinking when I read Reverse Falls fanfiction)

Luckily, the incoming pancakes took your mind off the two girls. You wolfed down your food while Pacifica went on and on about boys she met in Reverse Falls.

After your pancake feast, Pacifica brought you to every attraction except for this carnival that wasn't open yet. At 2, she walked you back after stuffing both your faces with the best ice cream and waffles you have ever tasted.

"Can we hang out again tomorrow? Gideon said he wanted to find this thing called the mothman, maybe you wanna come?" she asked you. You nodded and said your goodbyes. Pacifica returned the greeting and walked off.

You closed the door and abruptly remembered the date with Dipper. You groaned out loud in frustration and went into your room.

There wasn't much you could do in the span of 2 hours so you simply bathed, changed into (insert dating attire of your choice) and sat in front of your vanity to do your makeup.

You are not much of a makeup person but you still think that you needed to look like you actually cared. So, you whipped up a quick and simple look. It wasn't much but you know the saying: There is beauty in simplicity. At least you think it is a saying.

(Hold on, let me check.)

(Hey! Guess what, it is a saying! I thought I made it up...)

You checked your watch, it was exactly 4 PM. He should be here anytime

"Ding Dong!" your doorbell rang before you could finish your thought. You sighed, just get this done and over with and you will get your necklace back. Easy.

My Disorder (Dipper Gleeful x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang