Chapter 7: Deal

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Hi people, if you are reading this, thank you for going this far into the story. And if you are one that added this book to your reading list, I really want to give you a hug. So abbyd11 BillCipher139 pinkfirewolf Sillygo00000 here is your hug *searches for hug emoji* *can't find hug emoji* Ok...sorry, have a cookie 🍪🍪 🍪 🍪 :)

[Candy's POV]
I can't help but smirk at (Y/N)'s horrified expression. It felt satisfying, I pulled the necklace over my head and let it dangle in front of my chest.


"I'll tell you one last time, leave if you don't want to see my true power," I warned, flipping my black hair and strutting out the house. The door slammed shut behind me.

"You seem like you are having too much fun. I fulfilled my end of the deal, when are you going to fulfil yours?"

"Do you really don't trust me when I say that I'm working on it?"

"Bill...Cipher?" I ventured, I looked at the pentagram, I did exactly what the journal said...why isn't it working?

"HAHAHAHA, FINALLY, you 3-Dimentional meat sacks took long enough to summon me!" an eyeball appeared a few feet above the pentagram. An outline of a triangle surrounded it.

"Oh, a mini meat puppet! Interesting!" the voice sounded like a million voices were talking at the same time. I was robbed of my voice, not knowing what to say.

"So? What do you want?" it continued, the shape coloured itself, turning a solid yellow.

"Bill Cipher, right? I'm Candy," I introduced myself, putting my hand put to shake his.

"Woah, slow down, kid. Number one rule on demons is not to shake hands without making a deal," the voice said. It seemed to be coming from all around me.

"Can you...really do anything?"

"Kid, I can do more than anything, I can do everything," he boasted. At least, I guess it's a he, his voice is more to the masculine end.

"I-I-I want to strike a deal," I stammered, "I want infinite power over technology and all electrical devices." I have thought it over for a long time. Technology is advancing like crazy these days, if I have control over them, I would be even more powerful than the Gleefuls.

"Not bad for a child, I admire your dreams. Tell you what, I give you that power and you help me build something," he said, spinning his cane around a finger.

"What thing?"

"A dimensional rift," he replied. I have no idea what that is, but there is nothing I can't handle.



"What the hell? Why did you show me that!" I snapped back into reality. Bill hacked into my memories again. He always does that when I start to forget the deal I made.

"Build me the rift or the deal's off!" he threatened.

"Jeez, why do you have to be so impatient? Follow me," I retorted and headed home. My parents are overseas, leaving me alone with Bill, of course they know nothing about Bill.

I grabbed the basement keys and strolled down to the basement with Bill floating behind my shoulder. He was really annoying but I have already survived 3 years with him tagging along, what's a few more?

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