Chapter 5: Your So-Called "Date"

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You went down and opened the door and sure enough, there was Dipper, dressed in a black dress shirt with a blue vest over it, he still had that blue jewel on his chest.

His face was still as straight as ever, it was like he was an emotionless robot.

"Look who dressed up today," he said, offering you a gloved hand. You decided to ignore that remark and took it, he led you to a really expensive-looking car, hell, it was a limo.

He opened the door on the passanger seat and helped you in. After he closed the door, he headed to the driver seat and started the engine. The car roared to life, the difference between a cheap car and this one was very obvious.

"Any place you want to go?" he asked finally to break the awkward silence in the car. You shook your head.

"What about the carnival, looks fun enough," he suggested to which you simply nodded.

He drove into a parking lot not so far away from the closed carnival you saw earlier, however, this time, it was bustling with both people and activity.

Dipper led you by the hand into the carnival, the place was huge, food and games stalls lined up the pathway. The place smelt like popcorn and cotton candy.

Behind the stalls are numerous rides of all kinds, from slow ferris wheels to thrilling rollarcoasters.

That was when you saw it, you fell for it immediately, a huge plush penguin. It looked super soft and even more cute. It was on display at a Game stall, oh how you wish you could have it!

"You want that penguin?" Dipper's voice pulled you out of your little dream. You nodded to find him pulling you towards the stall soon after.

"M-Mister Gleeful? What an honor!" the stall owner gushed when he saw Dipper at his stall.

"Yeah yeah, I know. What do I have to do to get that?" he pointed at the penguin.

"Oh that? Just hit all 15 targets with just 16 darts, simple," he replied. It doesn't seem simple, especially when the "targets" are blown balloons swinging violently every time a breeze blew by.

"Okay then," Dipper said, he doesn't seem to doubt himself, in fact, he doesn't seem like he felt anything.

The stall holder passed him 16 darts and stepped aside. You watched as Dipper aimed and threw a dart at lightning speed. A balloon popped.

Maybe that was just a lucky shot. Dipper took up another dart, and threw it, and succeeded. You cannot believe someone actually have so much luck. He threw dart after dart, never missing any. The stall holder and you stared at him in disbelieve.

In about 5 minutes, there was no balloons left on the board in the stall. You looked at Dipper with your mouth partially open. He doesn't look as amazed as you, he just looked neutral.

The stall holder reluctantly took the penguin down and handed it to Dipper.

"How did you do that?" you asked.

"A magician never reveals his secrets," he replied, he sounded like he was smirking but he wasn't. You were growing suspicious of his lack of emotion.

He handed you the huge penguin and you hugged it as you two walked around.

Slowly, you started to realise that Dipper wasn't that bad, he is a little emotionless but that's all. And, the best thing was, he can win almost any game he plays.

The sun was starting to set and you found yourself carrying a pile of plush toys.

"I want to bring you somewhere," Dipper told you. He led you to the foot of a huge ferris wheel.

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