Chapter 2: Behind the Curtains

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You showed the online ticket to the guard standing outside the Tent of Telepathy. Your heart was pumping excitedly.

You have always been a fan of magic and you cannot believe you will be seeing one of the best magic shows in the world. The warning from Pacifica faded away as soon as you entered the tent.

It looked bigger than the outside, lined with velvet chairs facing a huge stage. It was coloured in various shades of blue. You quickly found a seat in the centre and sat down. There were already many people there, chatting animatedly.

At exactly 6 PM, the lights dimmed, two spotlights lighted the stage up.

Fog blew into the stage, turned blue by lighting. Music started playing as two silhouettes appeared behind the smoke.

"Thank you for coming to our monthly show!!" a feminine voice said. A female teenager could be seen in the fog. She has long brown hair that reached her knees, held out of her face by a headband with a blue jewel on it. She wore a light blue jacket over a black leotard and a pair of fishnet stockings, her look completed by a pair of black heels.

The audience went wild.

"If you don't believe in magic, you've come to the right place," this time, it was a more masculine voice. The same guy I saw in the shop stepped out of the fog. He was wearing a white dress shirt covered with a blue vest and black trousers. He also doned a cape with a strange symbol on it. His brown hair was swept back to reveal a birthmark in the shape of the little dipper.

The pair looked alike, they must be twins!

If the audience could be any louder, it would be

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If the audience could be any louder, it would be. But the noise was almost deafening.

"I'm Mabel," the female introduced.

"And I'm Dipper," the male continued.

"And we are the Gleeful twins!" the shouted in unison. You clapped along with the wild audience.

"Hm, what should we do today?" Mabel asked her brother.

"I don't know. Why not," he snapped his fingers and a huge box appeared, "I will need a volunteer."

Hands flew up, most of which belongs to his fans. You watched in excitement to see which he would pick.

Dipper scanned the crowd until he locked eyes with you. It only lasted for a second.

"How about you...Miss (L/N)." You could not believe it, he knows your name!

Everyone turned to face you, looking at you expectantly. You did not have much choice so you stood up and went to the stage. The crowd cheered.

Dipper offered his gloved hand to you and you took it after hesitating. Everyone watched as you were led to the stage by Dipper.

"I admire your courage, Miss (L/N)," Mabel smiled, but the smile did not seem to reach her eyes. She unlocked the locks on the box and swang open the box.

"As you can see, this box is completely sealed and empty," Dipper ran his hand down the side of the box.

"Miss (L/N), can you please step into this box," he instructed you. You looked into the dark depths of this "box". It looked like it was a never ending tunnel to who knows where.

"Come on, step in," you hear Mabel. Her voice was threatening like she was daring you to enter.

You did. After all, magic is just optical tricks, how bad can it be?

The last thing you saw was Dipper slamming the door shut, leaving you in pitch black darkness. You heard the locks click. Panic started filling you, your heart was beating faster again but this time, it was in fear.

You felt yourself spin as the twins spun the box to show that it was completely sealed.

"Grotiluim Clociphis Flopicus!"

Wow, such originality.

Before you had enough time to appreciate those words, a pair of hand grabbed you from behind. One wrapped around your waist and the other over your mouth.

"P-p-please don't make any n-noise," someone begged in a tiny voice after you were dragged for quite a while.

"Mmm mmm mmm?" you tried to ask but your voice was muffled. The hands let go of you and you spun around, expecting to see a huge figure.

But instead of that, what greeted you was a small, shivering, abnormally pale boy. Other than his milky white skin, he has blue hair. All in all, he just reminds you of an anime character.

{That is a picture of Will in his human form just in case you don't know what he looks like}

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{That is a picture of Will in his human form just in case you don't know what he looks like}

"Who are you?" you repeated, a little annoyed.

"Y-you don't have t-to know m-me," he stuttered, refusing to make eye contact with you, "y-you need t-to leave."

With more strength than you expected from a little guy like him, he pushed you in the direction of your rented apartment.

"Wait!" you shouted. He froze and looked at you with frightened eyes. You could see those blue orbs slowly get covered by tears.

"Please, just leave," he begged, "the twins need a new guinea pig and you will be theirs if you don't leave!"

You took a moment for that to sink in. What? Is this some sort of prank?

"I'm n-not pranking you. J-just go back and return to (your homeland)." You were shocked, how did he know you come from there, you haven't met him before.

He continued to pull you towards the door.

"Mr and Miss Gleeful aren't what they look like, you cannot come back," he choked as he pushed you out gently.

Before you get to question this further, the boy shut the door, leaving you with question marks surrounding your brain.

Who was he?

What did he mean?

Why did the twins have such a bad reputation among the only people you have talked with?

Are they lying?

Is it true?

All these questions made your head hurt really badly so you made your way home.

Well, you tried to make your way home but you were lost.

You felt yourself start to panic and you ran around frantically, trying to find a familiar landmark. You have no idea where you were, it seemed like you were in the middle of a forest.

Feeling lost, you tried to backtrack, maybe the small blue haired guy can help you. That was when you realised that you have no idea where you came from.

Emptied of hope, you leaned against a tree and sat down. You did not expect your first day on a vacation to end with such confusion and such hopelessness.

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