Part One: New School, New Bully

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[Book 3 in Just a Kiss series]

Beyond a Kiss

Part One: New School, New Bully

As I lay on my bed listening to the music play through my ear buds loudly I suddenly feel someone put a hand on my shoulder. I open my eyes looking up not surprised to see my dad standing in my room. I see his mouth moving but I can't hear what he's saying. Just when I'm about to reach to pull one of the ear buds out he does it for me. Yanking both out so I have no other choice but to listen to him now.

"Aiden, we have guests over don't you think you're being rude by staying inside? It's our last night here until we more into the new house tomorrow." he says as if I don't already know this.

"So?" I reply cursing myself in my head as soon as I do. Knowing I'm only going to get a lecture on my attitude again. For having my sister and I young I thought he would be less strict and more like a friend. But of course that's only in movies.

"What did I tell you about saying so? I don't know why you have to give me that attitude. All I have ever tried to do for your sister and you is what I think is best. And look at what we're doing for you now. We are uprooting our whole life to move hours away for you to have a fresh start." he says ticking me off at how he's acting like it's all my fault. After all he was the one to make the final decision not me.

"Yeah after years of hell. If you would have asked me earlier I would have told you to move before you built a life here."

"Aiden I'm not a mind reader. I didn't know what was going on at your school. You hardly tell me anything but if I knew I wouldn't have let it happen." he explains making me laugh.

"And what were you going to do about it? Embarrass me in front of the school by having one of my dads talk to the principle? Oh that would have made my life so much better." I say sarcastically pulling my phone out of my pocket to look at the new text message I just received, ignoring him as he continues standing there.

"I don't want to argue Aiden will you just please come out into the living room. Have some fun the last night with people we won't probably be seeing for a while. Or if you want I can have your father come in and make you. And I'm pretty sure you won't be holding that phone you have in your hands right now much longer." he replies getting my full attention.

"Fine, I'll be out there in a minute." I reluctantly give in. Hating the fact that having two dads makes it impossible to get away with anything. Why couldn't I have two moms instead?

"I just don't like you being in your room all the time it isn't good for you. You need to get out once in a while and talk to people. And at your new school Monday you'll be able to make new friends. Everything will work out for the better." he says before he starts to walk out of the room.

I watch as he shuts the door behind him leaving me alone again just how I like it. I know he's my dad and he cares but I think he cares too much sometimes. He treats me like I'm some depressed lost soul on the verge of suicide when I'm not. I might like being by myself a lot but that doesn't mean I'm an unhappy person.

Okay maybe I am but not so unhappy to do something I know I would regret. I just don't like being around so many people that like to talk too much and ask me a million questions about my life. I guess I'm just an antisocial type of person that will always be found by myself and not in a big crowd of people. I can probably blame that on my lack of friends and my long list of bullies at my old school.

The day I started kindergarten was the day that I realized the rest of my life was going to be pure misery. I got looked at and called names from the moment I walked in class. The quiet whispers even from the teachers all because I have two dads. Something I grew up thinking was normal. I mean I saw kids with a mom and dad but I also knew kids with two dads just like me. I didn't see what the big deal was but to others they found it disgusting and still do. If only they knew the secret I hide then they would see being gay as something small.

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