"You're kidding, right?"

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I'm done.

I hate it so much.

I just can't anymore.

I am done.

That's it. 

I am dropping out of school because math is killing me.


It's been a week since my Box fight and next week I have tons of Examens.

Monday Maths, Tuesday music, Thursday biology and Friday I will be tested at my job.

My test at the FBI is really important because if I pass I am officially an agent. But I if I fail I have to retake the test next year.
So yeah it's kind of a big of a deal.

But right now I'm suffering because of maths.

I hear a knock on my door and then the door opens and my mom walks in.
She walks up to me looks at me with a smile and than puts a plate  with blueberries on my desk.

I love blueberries and my mom.

I don't know if it's something that moms develop by time but every mom I know sneaks up to there kids and gives them silently food when there studying.

I'm not complaining at all. I am living for it.

3 hours later

I am done. Again.

I stand up from my desk and head to the bathroom to take a hot shower and then go to sleep.

Now I'm in the shower and I love the feeling of not just washing away the dirt but cleaning myself from stress and everything that borthered me  mentally.

I think back to this week and reflect the days chronologically.
Monday was good , I got my PE mark. An A. But nothing really special happened Monday. Then I went to the FBI main station to work and train.

Tuesday I overslept the first two hours but lunch was good cause I sat at the table of  the football players. They invited me so Emma and I ate with them and it was so much fun.
After school I went to the box club and saw Ethan. We had a really good time.

Wednesday was so chill because Beth, Valerie and I went for some ice cream after school and then I didn't went to train. I headed home and chilled the whole day.

I hate Thursdays. I just don't like them. First I forgot my phone at home so I was phoneless till I got back from my training. Then I got sooo much freaking homework and at  lunch I tripped and my vanilla pudding that I choose for dessert splashed all over me. I looked horrible and I was so pissed the whole day. Gladly school was over but then I went to the main station just to get the information that i will be writing the most important test in my career the following week.
All in all Thursday sucked.

I love Fridays.
So Friday I went to school but skipped the last two periods with Emma, Ashton, Aiden and Valerie.
We ate something and had a lot of fun. But to be honest it was weird for a moment when they left Aiden and me alone when they went ordering some drinks. Aiden and I had a little small talk but it wasn't like we would actually talk to one another. He was acting a bit strange.
But after we left the coffee shop i went to the box club after dropping of Valerie.
Ethan is just a dream that's all I say.

Today is Saturday and I spent the day studying.

I step about after 40 minutes out of the shower.


I am running.

Running away.

Layla Where stories live. Discover now